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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 08:45
Belldandy Gift

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800 x 600 178KB
Adobe Photoshop CS3 (10.0x20061208 [20061208.beta.1251 02:00:00 cutoff; m branch]) Windows - 28-Apr-2007
Make a wish AMG wallpaper Version 5
Make a wish AMG wallpaper Version 5
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I made a set of amg wallpapers called "Make a wish" and reaper was kind enough to let me post my wallpapers in his album since theres no album making availbe under Wallpapers section. Credits for this wallpaper go to me ^-^!

FYI - I like how i do my work, if you disapprove it, or dont like parts of it, then do not leave a partial or full bad comment, otherwise, i'll lose inspiration and quit making them. Thanks.