No Fans.
I suppose I can take some extra time here to go into the thought process behind some of my selection. Don't worry, I'll try to be brief.:p
There are a lot of images that I would have liked to include in this upload, but several reasons went into why they didn't make the final cut. The main ones are that I can only upload so many, so I can't have too many images from the same sequence or the same types of moments, and some look nice,but don't say much about what is going on in the epis...
I suppose I can take some extra time here to go into the thought process behind some of my selection. Don't worry, I'll try to be brief.:p
There are a lot of images that I would have liked to include in this upload, but several reasons went into why they didn't make the final cut. The main ones are that I can only upload so many, so I can't have too many images from the same sequence or the same types of moments, and some look nice,but don't say much about what is going on in the episode. I have several images of Hild looking surprised, but really only needed to use one, if that. Some things I purposefully did not take images of. I hate the design of the Angel Eater, so I almost entirely excluded it, and some things look better in full motion. The fight between Hild and Lind for example: A still image of bouncing lights is not exciting viewing material. I also tried varying the images and including fewer headshots and glowing images than I might otherwise (since a certain site member keeps docking me for them :susp: ). However, since this episode revolves around angels, glowy shots are much harder to avoid.
I picked this image form the opening credits for a very important reason: no subtitles or text:= I hate having them in my caps because they detract from them I feel. I also made the sky a gloomier shade to contrast more with Lind's bright wing.