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Fri, 14 Mar 2025 20:51
Belldandy Gift

Ban-pei - Fan Club

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Arguably the pinnacle of Skuld's engineering feats, Ban-pei quickly became an integral part of the Morisato household quickly after Skuld's first appearance. In every incarnation of Ah! My Goddess, Ban-pei appears in some form of machine, from Skuld's motorcycle, to the Deep Six watercraft.

Banpei RX was first created by Skuld as a defence system against Mara. He had lucky charms, missiles and other hidden weapons. Banpei is capable of morphing into a motorcyle which Skuld uses as transportation. He is known for his wide brim hat and circular composition.

Originally when Banpei was turned on he would zap the energy out of the Morisato residence, Belldandy built him a component that preserved energy better within him and allowed him to function better by using less energy. It is then that Banpei develops emotions, especially for a welcomingly robot in front of Chihiro’s shop.

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