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Fri, 14 Mar 2025 20:56
Belldandy Gift


By xmadcatx85
Kiseki means miracle; wonder.

Paradise. That is what one would call it. A luscious forest, clean, fresh air that was intoxicating with its wonderful, simple, aroma. And most of all, quiet. This place was so peaceful that one could hear the harmonious songs of doves floating in the distance; an endless plane of tranquility.

But there was not a sound of the sing-song chirps of birds, and the peace was further stilled by a darkness no more familiar than the rising sun. For it was night, and not one creature dwelled aside from the system administrators of Yggdrasil’s mainframe. The towers that controlled the balance of the universe, as we know, it hummed gently, emanating a light glow.

Night was just as beautiful as day. The new moon’s light washing over the land, unhidden by clouds that, otherwise, plagued the sky. A gentle breeze felt like a spring mist, cold yet warm, soft to the touch.

This place, one would say, was fit for its purpose. This place was perfect. From its rolling hills to the green forests, and to the plains and sea. A place of complete calm. This was Heaven. Which it was.

This is where deities are born; the place where everything is decided for the world. Gods and Goddesses working diligently; using means not possible nor understood by the human world.

They have decided long ago, in a world ruled by Fate, that everything was born with a purpose. No matter how insignificant the life form, they would be given a purpose, and a chance at happiness. Whether they took it or not, that is the way things would be. However, there will be those so poorly unlucky, so unbelievably different from everybody else that they were given a privilege; a slim chance of actually happening, but still set up a new system, now old, that would help these unfortunate souls.

Goddesses were ethereal beings of beauty and joy, though some would argue that point for a few. There purpose was there own; a joy brought to all who were blessed by ones presence.

And what greater joy is there than that of life?

Throughout the quiet landscape, a scream made itself known. However not very audible from far. A scream was a thing that was usually caused by fear or pain. The latter is more correct in this case. It’s unbelievable that one would go through such pain willingly, but the reasons behind it justified the means.

For the pain was caused by birth.

Several figures stood while one lied down; the screaming that was once of pain wrung anew with a fervor that could only be caused from life.

The child was born.

The figures left, leaving the child’s mother and father to watch there newborn. Two pairs of gentle eyes looked upon the bundle held in the mother’s arm. Light brown curly hair, just a tuff, sat on the child’s head. Its little hands balled up as the child wailed into the night sky.

The child was a girl.

A gentle hand, the hand of her father, was lightly touching her cheek; cheeks with two upside-down triangles, and a matching blue diamond on her forehead. The simple notion effectively stopped her crying as she now stared in wonder at the man looking down upon her.

“She’s beautiful.” The simple statement came from the mother, filled with content and happiness.

“Yes. Just like her mother.” The gruff yet gentle voice spoke up in agreement, never taking his eyes off of the child.

“What shall we name her?”

All was silent for a moment, but only a moment. A slight second to contemplate a name that the child would live with for her entire life.

“Belldandy. Her name shall now, and forever be, Belldandy.”

And thus on this night in Heaven, a goddess was named.

Belldandy, the Goddess of the present, was brought into the universe as a symbol of eternal joy.
20-Feb, 13 view(s)

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