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Fri, 14 Mar 2025 21:27
Belldandy Gift

Taiho Schichauzo crossover

A fanfic by Keiichi-K1 of K1_Keiichi hotmail.co.uk
Aa! Megami-sama and Taiho Schichauzo

QuoteNote: this fanfic is set before Belldandy meets Keiichi, it is really for fans of both Ah! My Goddess and You’re Under Arrest, you may not follow much of the details unless you are familiar with You’re Under Arrest, but feel free to read it and give me feedback! Arigatou.

Let’s begin!

[Location Heaven, Goddess Assistance Agency.]

Urd: Belldandy, today is the day for your field assignment on Earth.

Belldandy: Yes it is! I’ve been looking forward to it so much!

Urd: Where have you chosen to go?

Belldandy: A nice pleasant place called Bokuto in Tokyo Japan. To be precise the Bokuto precinct police station.

Urd: A police station!? Why go there of all places? I’d would pick a place like a beach or hot-springs resort.

Belldandy: As goddesses we have to help the people that uphold justice and make their world a safer place to live.

Urd: You’ll be assigned two humans to work with right?

Belldandy: Yes, two delightful officers, Miyuki Kobayakawa and Natsumi Tsujimoto.

[Location Bokuto, temple]

[Miyuki and Natsumi are on their break]

Natsumi: arrrrr….. Miyuki what do I do I’m having such a bad week.

Miyuki: It’s your fault Natsumi, if you hadn’t come in late with that hangover the captain wouldn’t have scolded you.

Natsumi: But it was a high school reunion party! I had to drink with all my classmates or it wouldn’t be proper!

Miyuki: (sigh)

Natsumi: I know! How about we go in the temple and pray for good luck!

Miyuki: Ok, why not, we could pray for good fortune for everyone back at the station too, I’ve noticed everyone’s been kinda down lately.

[they make their way to the altar of a goddess statue]

Natsumi (praying): Oh please let my fortune be good and end my bad luck streak, oh and a big lottery win this weekend wouldn’t be bad either!

Miyuki (praying): (^_^’) errr… yeah…what she said…, and please may everyone’s spirits back in the station perk up. Arigatou!

Natsumi: Arigatou!

[suddenly there is a large flash of light, the whole room is a bright glow, Belldandy emerges from Natsumi’s mirror keychain]

Natsumi, Miyuki: !!!!!!!!!!!!

Natsumi: What was that!? A flashbang?

Miyuki: [notices Belldandy] errr.. who are you?

Belldandy: Hello there, my names Belldandy.

Miyuki: I’ve not seen you here before, are you a tourist?

Natsumi: Wow! You have neat clothes!

Belldandy: Why thank you! And no I’m not a tourist, I’m a goddess from heaven I’m on field assignment.

Natsumi, Miyuki: ???????

Natsumi (whispers to Miyuki): I think that flash messed up her brain.

Miyuki (whisper to Natsumi): You could be right, she’s probably suffering from shock, let’s take her back to the station till she gets better.

Natsumi & Miyuki: Would you please come with us to Bokuto Precinct.

Belldandy: Oh yes please! I’ve been looking for it!

Natsumi, Miyuki: ?????

[Location Bokuto station, Traffic Dept. office]

Belldandy: Good afternoon, my name is Belldandy is very nice to meet all of you!

Yoriko: Wow, Belldandy-chan you’re very cute, do you have a boyfriend? I could hook you up with one if you don’t.

[Miyuki and Natsumi ties Yoriko into a bundle bag with her head sticking out, that’ll teach her to be nosy again!]

Nakajima: [stares gobsmacked at Belldandy’s beauty, his cheeks are red] harr….

Miyuki: ahem!, NAKAJIMA!

Nakajima: OH! Kobayakawa! It’s not what you think! Err… I.. errr.. just never saw such an interesting outfit as that! (oh no Miyuki will be mad at me for the whole day now!)

[the captain walks in]

Captain: Ahh! Officer Belldandy! So you’ve arrived!

All including Belldandy: !!!!!!!!!??????????

Captain: I just received your file this morning, says here you’re an exchange officer from Hokkaido, hmmmm.. you have an exemplary record.

Belldandy: (Urd must have manipulated the police files to help me)

Belldandy: Hai!, reporting for duty sir! [salutes]

Miyuki: Oh! You’re an exchange officer! We should get you in uniform.

[Location Women’s changing room]

[Belldandy is now in police uniform, blue vest with white long sleeved shirt and matching blue skirt, similar to Miyuki’s summer uniform]

Miyuki: There that’s better! You can’t go around on patrol in civilian clothing you know.

Belldandy: Arigatou!

[Aoi Futaba walks in]

Belldandy: [looks at Aoi] (hmm… her life energy is different to that of a woman’s)
Excuse me but are you a man?

Miyuki, Natsumi, Aoi: !!!!!!!! (how did she know?)

Aoi: errrr… yes I’am errr… you see I was working undercover and well it sort of stuck,…, it’s a long story.

Belldandy: Daijoubou!

Natsumi: Wow Belldandy! You really are good! You have excellent detective skills! You can tell just by looking at her?

Belldandy: ^_^’

Miyuki: Natsumi, time for patrol, you’re with us Belldandy.

[Location out on the town roads, Belldandy, Miyuki and Natsumi are out in Miyuki’s Honda Today patrol car]

[They stop to mark up some parked cars with their chalk sticks]

Natsumi: I would never have guessed you’re a police officer like us Belldandy, so which precinct you from?

Belldandy: Heaven. ^_^

[Miyuki and Natsumi looks at each other]

Miyuki: I guess her mind is still a bit muddled.

[suddenly there came a whoosh, BANG, a small crater appeared in the road, a baseball at its centre]

???: HAHAHAHAHAHA! So we meet again Homerun girl!

[everyone looks up the road]


Strikeman: That’s right! I’m here to challenge you again, Homerun girl!


Strikeman: This time I have a new justice pitch!

Natsumi: [gets out her Natsu baseball bat] bring it on! I can take anything you throw at me!

Strikeman: Hahaha not this time! [gets out a whole bunch of baseballs] behold my SUPER SCREAMING JUSTICE MIRV BALL!

Miyuki: Hey! That’s cheating!

[Strikeman pitches the balls at Natsumi with incredible speed!]

Belldandy: (oh no! Natsumi won’t be able to hit all of them at once, she’ll get hurt!)

Natsumi: (Gulp) [she gets ready to swing]

[Belldandy casts a spell on Natsumi’s bat and the baseballs, Natsumi swings!, the bat connects with all the balls perfectly!]

[all the balls goes skyward and disappears as they twinkle from view]

Strikeman: [falls to his knees crying] No! not again! The strength of my justice is still not good enough!

Natsumi: HA! Nothing can beat Natsumi the great!

Belldandy: ^_^

[Strikeman rides away on his motorcycle]

Strikeman: Until next time Homerun Girl!


[ I guess if this was a TV episode this point would be when the break for commercials appear! LOL]

[Location inside the Honda Today, on patrol, Miyuki’s driving, Natsumi at front passenger seat, Belldandy at back row seats]

Miyuki: Sure is nice and peaceful today.

Natsumi: Yep, we should just take it easy and chill.

Belldandy: It sure is a wonderful day, the sky is blue and the birds are singing.

Miyuki: By the way Belldandy, what is it like at your precinct?

Belldandy: Oh it’s wonderful, the weather is always good, the people are so nice and kind.

Miyuki: What about in terms of facilities and equipment?

Belldandy: We have the Yggdrasil system to help us monitor things.

Natsumi: The Egg drill what?

Belldandy: hehe ^^, no not egg drill, it’s a vast computer system that controls everything and alerts us to problems.

Miyuki: We have nothing like that in Bokuto, just normal computers for us.

Natsumi: This egg drill thing sounds like something out of a manga or anime!

Belldandy & Miyuki: (Chuckle, chuckle) oh Natsumi!

[Whooosh! A Nissan Z speeds past them! It’s going way over the limit!]

Miyuki: A speeder!

Natsumi: Step on it Miyuki!

[The Honda Today speeds up with lights and siren turned on]

Miyuki: Nakajima should also be in the area, call him for backup!

[just then Nakajima speeds up beside them on his white police motorbike]

Natsumi: Perfect timing!

Nakajima (radio): I’ll go on ahead to try and block him off while you three catch block him from behind!

[Nakajima accelerates to pass the Nissan Z]

[the Z driver sees what he’s doing and swerves his car to nudge Nakajima off balance!]

Miyuki: Oh no! Nakajima! He’s falling!

Belldandy: (Go Holy Bell!)

[Holy Bell flies out of the Honda Today toward Nakajima, she catches him just in time and puts him back upright.]

Nakajima: (huh? An angel?)

[Holy Bell gives Nakajima a quick sweet smile and disappears quickly back to Belldandy]

Miyuki & Natsumi: What was that!?

Natsumi: Nevermind! Let’s catch that speeder!

Miyuki: Right! NI-T-RO on!

[Miyuki presses the nitro button!]

Honda Today: (whinnneee…… ptt ptt ptt)

Natsumi: huh? What’s wrong with the nitro?

Miyuki: I don’t know! I just had a look at it this morning.

Natsumi: Darn it! That guys getting away! And Nakajima’s out of action!

Belldandy: Oh dear! (I have to do something!)

[Belldandy casts a spell to reduce the friction of the Today’s tire on the road to near zero and increases the engine output by tenfold!]

[the little Honda speeds forward, Miyuki, Natsumi and Belldandy are all pressed against their seats from the G-force]

All: !!!!!!

[they past the Nissan Z, Miyuki swerves the car to block off the road, the Z driver is forced to stop]

Miyuki & Natsumi: Speeding is a traffic violation! License please or You’re Under Arrest!

Belldandy: ^_^

[Job well done girls!]

[Location Miyuki & Natsumi’s apartment, Belldandy’s farewell party, everybody is there]

Natsumi: To Belldandy! Ganbai!

All: Ganbai!

Yoriko: *hic* Belldandy… you sure can drink, that’s your zillionth cup already! *hic*.

Belldandy: Hehe, I suppose I can drink, but you don’t look too good Yoriko maybe you should lie down.

Yoriko: *hic* Dai- *hic* -jou *hic* -bou!

Captain: LOL every ones spirits sure have picked up a lot since Belldandy came here!

Miyuki: Yes, it was really fun having you here for the past few days Belldandy!

Belldandy: Arigatou! I enjoyed being with every one of you here.

Nakajima: [looks at Belldandy]

[Holy Bell briefly pops out to wink at Nakajima]

Nakajima: AAAAHHHH! There! There’s the angel that saved me! There!

[Everyone looks at Nakajima and laughs]

Natsumi: oh Nakajima you’re not still going on about that angel again are you, I think you bumped your head during that chase!

Nakajima: No No No it’s true! I did see an angel!

Miyuki: I think you had enough to drink for today Nakajima.

Nakajima: (errr… I give up!)

Aoi: It’s a shame you have to go back Belldandy, we’ll all miss you.

Miyuki: Yes, things have gotten so much fun when you arrived.

Natsumi: You still have so much to tell us as well, like your super detective skills and that egg drill thing. Stay! There’s so much for you to do!

Belldandy: [she looks at all the happy smiling faces around her, and smiles] oh I’m not sure about that, I think I’ve done what I came here to do. Arigatou!

Yoriko: *hic* enough with the mushy stuff, on with the merriment! Ganbai!


[they all drank, sang and chatted into the night]

[Next morning, everyone wakes up, all a bit groggy from the alcohol, Belldandy is gone]

Natsumi: errrr. Ohay..you… Huh where’s Belldandy?

Miyuki: She left already, look she left a note.

The note reads: To all my friends at Bokuto Precinct, Arigatou! I’ll miss you all! ….(the note goes on)……. PS Miyuki and Natsumi Ganbatte!

Natsumi: Look! She even left a business card!

Miyuki: “Belldandy, Goddess First Class”

All: ??????????

Captain: It seems our officer Belldandy is not as simple as she seems.

[Everybody looks puzzled as they start a new day, unaware they have just been blessed by a goddess]

QuoteA fanfic by Keiichi-K1 of K1_Keiichi@hotmail.co.uk

I spent a lot of time on this one, it's my pride and joy! LOL please provide me with some feedback after reading it! Arigatou!
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