A fanfic by Keiichi-K1 of K1_Keiichi hotmail.co.uk
Aa! Megami-sama and Taiho Schichauzo
Let’s begin!
[Location Heaven, Goddess Assistance Agency.]
Urd: Belldandy, today is the day for your field assignment on Earth.
Belldandy: Yes it is! I’ve been looking forward to it so much!
Urd: Where have you chosen to go?
Belldandy: A nice pleasant place called Bokuto in Tokyo Japan. To be precise the Bokuto precinct police station.
Urd: A police station!? Why go there of all places? I’d would pick a place like a beach or hot-springs resort.
Belldandy: As goddesses we have to help the people that uphold justice and make their world a safer place to live.
Urd: You’ll be assigned two humans to work with right?
Belldandy: Yes, two delightful officers, Miyuki Kobayakawa and Natsumi Tsujimoto.
[Location Bokuto, temple]
[Miyuki and Natsumi are on their break]
Natsumi: arrrrr….. Miyuki what do I do I’m having such a bad week.
Miyuki: It’s your fault Natsumi, if you hadn’t come in late with that hangover the captain wouldn’t have scolded you.
Natsumi: But it was a high school reunion party! I had to drink with all my classmates or it wouldn’t be proper!
Miyuki: (sigh)
Natsumi: I know! How about we go in the temple and pray for good luck!
Miyuki: Ok, why not, we could pray for good fortune for everyone back at the station too, I’ve noticed everyone’s been kinda down lately.
[they make their way to the altar of a goddess statue]
Natsumi (praying): Oh please let my fortune be good and end my bad luck streak, oh and a big lottery win this weekend wouldn’t be bad either!
Miyuki (praying): (^_^’) errr… yeah…what she said…, and please may everyone’s spirits back in the station perk up. Arigatou!
Natsumi: Arigatou!
[suddenly there is a large flash of light, the whole room is a bright glow, Belldandy emerges from Natsumi’s mirror keychain]
Natsumi, Miyuki: !!!!!!!!!!!!
Natsumi: What was that!? A flashbang?
Miyuki: [notices Belldandy] errr.. who are you?
Belldandy: Hello there, my names Belldandy.
Miyuki: I’ve not seen you here before, are you a tourist?
Natsumi: Wow! You have neat clothes!
Belldandy: Why thank you! And no I’m not a tourist, I’m a goddess from heaven I’m on field assignment.
Natsumi, Miyuki: ???????
Natsumi (whispers to Miyuki): I think that flash messed up her brain.
Miyuki (whisper to Natsumi): You could be right, she’s probably suffering from shock, let’s take her back to the station till she gets better.
Natsumi & Miyuki: Would you please come with us to Bokuto Precinct.
Belldandy: Oh yes please! I’ve been looking for it!
Natsumi, Miyuki: ?????
[Location Bokuto station, Traffic Dept. office]
Belldandy: Good afternoon, my name is Belldandy is very nice to meet all of you!
Yoriko: Wow, Belldandy-chan you’re very cute, do you have a boyfriend? I could hook you up with one if you don’t.
[Miyuki and Natsumi ties Yoriko into a bundle bag with her head sticking out, that’ll teach her to be nosy again!]
Nakajima: [stares gobsmacked at Belldandy’s beauty, his cheeks are red] harr….
Miyuki: ahem!, NAKAJIMA!
Nakajima: OH! Kobayakawa! It’s not what you think! Err… I.. errr.. just never saw such an interesting outfit as that! (oh no Miyuki will be mad at me for the whole day now!)
[the captain walks in]
Captain: Ahh! Officer Belldandy! So you’ve arrived!
All including Belldandy: !!!!!!!!!??????????
Captain: I just received your file this morning, says here you’re an exchange officer from Hokkaido, hmmmm.. you have an exemplary record.
Belldandy: (Urd must have manipulated the police files to help me)
Belldandy: Hai!, reporting for duty sir! [salutes]
Miyuki: Oh! You’re an exchange officer! We should get you in uniform.
[Location Women’s changing room]
[Belldandy is now in police uniform, blue vest with white long sleeved shirt and matching blue skirt, similar to Miyuki’s summer uniform]
Miyuki: There that’s better! You can’t go around on patrol in civilian clothing you know.
Belldandy: Arigatou!
[Aoi Futaba walks in]
Belldandy: [looks at Aoi] (hmm… her life energy is different to that of a woman’s) Excuse me but are you a man?
Miyuki, Natsumi, Aoi: !!!!!!!! (how did she know?)
Aoi: errrr… yes I’am errr… you see I was working undercover and well it sort of stuck,…, it’s a long story.
Belldandy: Daijoubou!
Natsumi: Wow Belldandy! You really are good! You have excellent detective skills! You can tell just by looking at her?
Belldandy: ^_^’
Miyuki: Natsumi, time for patrol, you’re with us Belldandy.
[Location out on the town roads, Belldandy, Miyuki and Natsumi are out in Miyuki’s Honda Today patrol car]
[They stop to mark up some parked cars with their chalk sticks]
Natsumi: I would never have guessed you’re a police officer like us Belldandy, so which precinct you from?
Belldandy: Heaven. ^_^
[Miyuki and Natsumi looks at each other]
Miyuki: I guess her mind is still a bit muddled.
[suddenly there came a whoosh, BANG, a small crater appeared in the road, a baseball at its centre]
???: HAHAHAHAHAHA! So we meet again Homerun girl!
[everyone looks up the road]
Strikeman: That’s right! I’m here to challenge you again, Homerun girl!
Strikeman: This time I have a new justice pitch!
Natsumi: [gets out her Natsu baseball bat] bring it on! I can take anything you throw at me!
Strikeman: Hahaha not this time! [gets out a whole bunch of baseballs] behold my SUPER SCREAMING JUSTICE MIRV BALL!
Miyuki: Hey! That’s cheating!
[Strikeman pitches the balls at Natsumi with incredible speed!]
Belldandy: (oh no! Natsumi won’t be able to hit all of them at once, she’ll get hurt!)
Natsumi: (Gulp) [she gets ready to swing]
[Belldandy casts a spell on Natsumi’s bat and the baseballs, Natsumi swings!, the bat connects with all the balls perfectly!]
[all the balls goes skyward and disappears as they twinkle from view]
Strikeman: [falls to his knees crying] No! not again! The strength of my justice is still not good enough!
Natsumi: HA! Nothing can beat Natsumi the great!
Belldandy: ^_^
[Strikeman rides away on his motorcycle]
Strikeman: Until next time Homerun Girl!
[ I guess if this was a TV episode this point would be when the break for commercials appear! LOL]
[Location inside the Honda Today, on patrol, Miyuki’s driving, Natsumi at front passenger seat, Belldandy at back row seats]
Miyuki: Sure is nice and peaceful today.
Natsumi: Yep, we should just take it easy and chill.
Belldandy: It sure is a wonderful day, the sky is blue and the birds are singing.
Miyuki: By the way Belldandy, what is it like at your precinct?
Belldandy: Oh it’s wonderful, the weather is always good, the people are so nice and kind.
Miyuki: What about in terms of facilities and equipment?
Belldandy: We have the Yggdrasil system to help us monitor things.
Natsumi: The Egg drill what?
Belldandy: hehe ^^, no not egg drill, it’s a vast computer system that controls everything and alerts us to problems.
Miyuki: We have nothing like that in Bokuto, just normal computers for us.
Natsumi: This egg drill thing sounds like something out of a manga or anime!
Yoriko: *hic* Belldandy… you sure can drink, that’s your zillionth cup already! *hic*.
Belldandy: Hehe, I suppose I can drink, but you don’t look too good Yoriko maybe you should lie down.
Yoriko: *hic* Dai- *hic* -jou *hic* -bou!
Captain: LOL every ones spirits sure have picked up a lot since Belldandy came here!
Miyuki: Yes, it was really fun having you here for the past few days Belldandy!
Belldandy: Arigatou! I enjoyed being with every one of you here.
Nakajima: [looks at Belldandy]
[Holy Bell briefly pops out to wink at Nakajima]
Nakajima: AAAAHHHH! There! There’s the angel that saved me! There!
[Everyone looks at Nakajima and laughs]
Natsumi: oh Nakajima you’re not still going on about that angel again are you, I think you bumped your head during that chase!
Nakajima: No No No it’s true! I did see an angel!
Miyuki: I think you had enough to drink for today Nakajima.
Nakajima: (errr… I give up!)
Aoi: It’s a shame you have to go back Belldandy, we’ll all miss you.
Miyuki: Yes, things have gotten so much fun when you arrived.
Natsumi: You still have so much to tell us as well, like your super detective skills and that egg drill thing. Stay! There’s so much for you to do!
Belldandy: [she looks at all the happy smiling faces around her, and smiles] oh I’m not sure about that, I think I’ve done what I came here to do. Arigatou!
Yoriko: *hic* enough with the mushy stuff, on with the merriment! Ganbai!
[they all drank, sang and chatted into the night]
[Next morning, everyone wakes up, all a bit groggy from the alcohol, Belldandy is gone]
Natsumi: errrr. Ohay..you… Huh where’s Belldandy?
Miyuki: She left already, look she left a note.
The note reads: To all my friends at Bokuto Precinct, Arigatou! I’ll miss you all! ….(the note goes on)……. PS Miyuki and Natsumi Ganbatte!
Natsumi: Look! She even left a business card!
Miyuki: “Belldandy, Goddess First Class”
All: ??????????
Captain: It seems our officer Belldandy is not as simple as she seems.
[Everybody looks puzzled as they start a new day, unaware they have just been blessed by a goddess]
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