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Fri, 14 Mar 2025 21:23
Belldandy Gift

Holiday at the Beach

Unknown Author
“What a boring summer!” sighed Urd and Skuld in unison.
“I don’t feel bored at all,’’ said the-always-cheerful Belldandy, who just came back from her daily shopping.
Her two sisters sighed at her cheerfulness.
“I wonder why Keiichi like her so much,” said Urd.
“Maybe because onee-san is kind,” suggested Skuld matter-of-factly.
“Did anybody call me?” asked Belldandy suddenly, poking her head out from behind the sliding wooden door.
“N-nothing! We didn’t call you!” stuttered Urd, smiling nervously.
Belldandy looked at her oddly before subsiding. The two sisters breathed a sigh of relief.
“Sometimes she can be real scary,” said Skuld. Urd nodded in agreement.
At the same time, there came an engine sound coming from outside. Keiichi came running in, an excited look on his face.
“What’s the big news, lover boy?” asked Urd. Keiichi breathed in deeply before he replied with a burst of excitement pouring out from his heart.
“We’ve won the first prize in that competition we entered last week!” exclaimed Keiichi, a huge grin on his face.
The two sisters screamed in joy as Urd hugged Keiichi tightly against her bulging chest. Keiichi’s face was beet red as he was suffocating from the lack of air and of Urd’s breast pressing tightly against his face.
“What’s the matter??? Why are you screaming??” asked Belldandy with worry in her voice.
“Belldandy, we’ve won the first prize! We’re going to the beach for two days and one night including a place to stay and it’s all free!” said Keiichi.
She squealed in joy and hugged Keiichi unaware of herself doing so. Keiichi blushed for the second time of that day.

~ The beach~

“We’re in heaven!!” squealed Urd as she stared at the beach in front of her.
True enough, the beach was wonderful. People swimming, sun-tanning and most importantly: lots of gorgeous babes!
“It is to you, sister,” said Skuld, uninterested by those passing guys who kept staring at the three sisters.
Urd was not even listening as she flirted with one of the passing guys.
“Useless sister,” grumbled Skuld.
“Don’t worry, Skuld! We’re here for you,” said Belldandy with a sweet smile on her face. Keiichi was at her side as faithful as ever.
“Let’s get our things to the hotel first,” suggested Keiichi with his hands full of luggage from Urd’s wardrobe.
“Ja, if you don’t mind, take this up for me too!” said Skuld suddenly with her genkiness back as she threw her luggage on top of the others luggage.
“AHHH!!” shouted Keiichi as he slipped from the heaviness. He dropped onto the sandy beach with a loud THUD! That particular noise drew various attentions from other people who passed by the couple.
“Keiichi! Daijoubu??” asked Belldandy worriedly.
“Yep, I’m definitely alright!” replied Keiichi confidently as he tried to stand up again and….. he slipped again together with the luggage. Unfortunately, a crab bit him at the same time. He yelped and Belldandy sweat-dropped.

~ Night-time ~

“I’m not gonna share the same bed with that…nincompoop!!” yelled Skuld, pointing a finger at Urd.
“ Who are you calling nincompoop, moron??” yelled back Urd.
There were in the restaurant having their ‘lovely’ dinner when the two sisters erupted about sharing the same room and the same bed. Keiichi and Belldandy sweat-dropped as they watched the argument going on between the two I-know-you-know sisters. Customers nearby watched with fascination instead.
“ Onee-san, DO something about it!!” wailed Skuld.
“ Ano, we’ve only one room and two beds. You know that I’m going to share the bed with Keiichi,” said Belldandy softly as her cheeks grew hot at the mention of sharing a bed with her so called ‘lover-boy’.
“ Lucky for you, lover boy,” teased Urd.
Keiichi’s cheeks puffed up with smoke.
“Stop trying to change the subject, you guys!” shouted Skuld.
“I don’t mind sharing the bed but this Miss High and Mighty MUST made a big fuss about it,” said Urd in a matter-of-fact voice.
A vein popped out of Skuld’s forehead as she crossed her arms furiously across her chest.
“ Fine, do it YOUR way!” said Skuld angrily.

~ Bedtime ~

“ Give the blanket back to me, you big bully!” yelled Skuld, pulling the blanket to her chest tightly.
“ Hey, it’s cold, you know, Miss High and Mighty,” said Urd, pulling back the blanket.
Belldandy and Keiichi, who’s sharing the bed beside them, sighed. The fight will go on forever unless they’re separated. Belldandy started to say something when she realized that the room was in complete silence. She looked across the room and saw that both her sisters were fast asleep, maybe exhausted from all the arguing since they had arrived here. Soft snoring could be heard from her right side and she noticed that Keiichi, too, had fallen fast asleep. She gave a kiss on his cheek and soon, she’s dreaming about Keiichi in her slumber land.

~ Next morning ~

“WHERE’S MY FAVOURITE T-SHIRT WENT TO????” barked Urd, turning the whole room upside down as she rummaged through the wardrobes.
Somewhere inside the bathroom, someone was giggling non-stop at Urd’s actions and barking. Urd went into the bathroom and…… saw her little innocent sister laughing her head off at her older sister’s sight.
“Y-you’re so……unbearable!” giggled Skuld uncontrollably, clutching her aching stomach.
“Oh, you little brat!!” screamed Urd angrily at the little joke played by her little sister.
She held up her hand high and threw a huge but harmless lightning ball towards the unsuspecting Skuld. Skuld let out a high-pitched scream as she was black from head to toe. Urd giggled at her smoking-black sister.
“Serve you right!” laughed Urd.
“Oh, you big bully! Wanna fight??” said Skuld as she took out her staff-like-thing.
“Come on, I’m ready for that!” replied Urd in response as she held her hands high again.
Just at that same moment, there was a knock at the door. The two sisters stopped in mid-stride and stared at each other.
“Who’s that?” called out Skuld.
“The laundry service!” replied back the knocker.
“Lucky you that someone interrupted or you’ll be a toast pig!” said Urd as she held her head high and walked towards the door.
Skuld stucked her tongue out at her older sister’s back.

~ Lunch ~

“So, how’s your day while we were out?” asked Belldandy.
Keiichi and Belldandy came back from their dating just before lunch time.
“Nice! Definitely a nice day!” replied Skuld, untruthfuuly whereas she and Urd had started the fight again when the laundry woman went away with their dirty clothing.
Urd snorted out loud at Skuld’s answer.
“What’s the matter, Urd? Cat got your tongue?” said Skuld innocently.
“Oh, you little brat! Have you ever learn to keep your mouth shut?” said Urd, her patience at her limit now.
“No, my mouth is made to say the words I like,” replied Skuld indignantly.
“You guys, stop it, will you? This is suppose to be a vacation and we’re here to enjoy it, not here to fight,” said Belldandy.
A chaos started just as Belldandy closed her mouth. Urd’s trying to kill Skuld with her lightning ball whereas Skuld’s trying to challenge her to try and kill her. Belldandy’s in the middle, trying to subside the fight. Keiichi’s being left out of the whole situation as he watched the whole scene with amusement.
“Lucky thing I’m not involve or else I’m dead meat,” muttered Keiichi to himself. Just as he said that, Urd called him.
“ Keiichi, are you a man or not? Stop standing there and give me some help, will you?” called Urd.
“If you try to help Urd, I’ll never let you see my sister again!” exclaimed Skuld, still pointing that staff-like-thing dangerously at Urd.
“Don’t listen to that brat! I’ll toast you if you help her!” yelled back Urd.
Keiichi looked from one sister to another. He was wandering if getting toast or not seeing Belldandy was better so he tried to catch Belldandy’s eyes to ask her for some guidance but she was too busy to even look at him. He sighed.
“Yare, yare! What a holiday at the beach!” sighed Keiichi to himself.
Suddenly a lightning bolt electrified through his body, showing the skulls inside of him. Belldandy screamed in fright as she rushed towards him and the two sisters were left alone to kill each other. Outside the room, dozens of people stood wandering what’s happening inside there.

The End
20-Feb, 13 view(s)

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