“It’s all because of your ‘brilliant’ idea,” said Urd pointedly at Skuld.
“Oh yeah, and who said that this way is the right way out?” shot back Skuld.
“We’ll ask Keiichi and see who’s right,” said Urd heatedly as she turned her head to her right and….screamed.
“What now?” grumbled Skuld.
“K-K-Keiichi’s gone! Just like that!” moaned Urd.
“No, you’re kidding me!! I’ll ask nee-san,” said Skuld, not trusting Urd but as she turned her head to her left, she screamed too. “Oh, no!! She’s gone too!!”
The only sound that echoed in the deep forest was Skuld’s wailing and Urd’s pathetic moans. The one big happy family was supposed to be having a nice camping trip but it had turn out to be a big disaster. Not only had they lost their way, they had even lost Keiichi and Belldandy. Now, this is what you call BIG trouble.
“Maybe it’s some demon or a huge monster who has taken them faraway where we’ll never see them again!” wailed Urd.
“Can you stop that, you big cry baby? You’re making me nervous too,” said Skuld, annoyed by Urd’s pathetic wailing.
“It’s going to be night any seconds now and then we’re doomed,” said Urd, looking up at the sky.
True enough the sun began to sink low into the horizon as the nightfall took over the day.
“Look, Urd, it’s no use panicking so why don’t you calm down and think of a way out, you big buffalo!” snapped Skuld.
That did it. Urd’s arrogant look came back as she stared hard at Skuld. The youngest sister didn’t even flinch at the hard stare.
“What did you just call me? You’re really in big trouble now,” said Urd, gritting her teeth.
“You big buffalo,” repeated Skuld calmly.
“Now, you’re really, really in BIG trouble,” said Urd as she held her hands high above her head.
“You think you’re the only one who can fight?” snorted Skuld as her staff materialized in her hands.
Just as the two sisters were going to kill each other, they heard a terrifying howl that will send thrills traveling through your spine. Tiny hair behind the two sisters’ neck stood up straight.
“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” whispered Urd. Skuld nodded her head vigorously.
“RUN!!!” shouted the two sisters in unison as they took up speed to scramble off to I-don’t-know-where-as-long-as-there’s-no-more-howling.
~Somewhere inside the forest~
“Great, where are we now?” said Skuld, her breath coming out harshly from all the running.
“I-I don’t know b-but I do know that we’ve to get out of here, fast,” stammered Urd.
“Stop being paranoid! It’s just an animal howling, nothing big!” exclaimed Skuld impatiently.
“Oh yeah and who ran like hell when she heard the howling?” demanded Urd. Skuld’s cheek turned a bright red when she remembered how she screamed for help while running towards the end of the world.
“I-I’m still a child and you’re SUPPPOSE to protect your younger sister,” said Skuld haughtily.
“Damn it! Where’s Keiichi and Belldandy when we needed them?” said Urd angrily.
“It’s no use standing in the dark doing nothing. I vote that we keep on going and see what’s ahead,” said Skuld.
“Well, smarty-brain, I could hardly see what’s in front of us and how are we suppose to see without any source of light?” asked Urd.
“Use your brain, you big fool! You can conjure up a fire ball, can’t you?” replied Skuld, smacking Urd behind the head.
Urd glared daggers at Skuld as she opened her palm and a bright fire ball appeared in her hand. So, their journey to escape from the…er…scary forest began again. Well, the journey ain’t that peaceful as we thought it would be. Skuld kept on teasing Urd and Urd kept on threatening that she’ll kill her anytime. It was such a calm and peaceful night when….
“AHHHHHHH!!! Help me, please!!! Some ghost got me!!” screamed Urd as a pair of bony hands grabbed her long hair from behind. She tried to disentangle herself from the terrifying thing when she found herself….FREE!! She cried in joy.
“It’s just a tree branch, moron,” said Skuld incredulously as she lifted up the so-called ghost’s hands which turned out to be just a harmless tree branch to let her still freaking out older sister to see.
“Errr…well…I-I guess I’m mistaken,” stammered Urd as she felt the heat slowly creeping up her cheeks. She’d never felt so embarrassed in her whole life!!! “The stupid tree branch,” muttered Urd under her breath as she slapped the tree branch away from her face which snapped and fell hard on her head. She yelled, thinking that another ghoul had got her again.
“Since you’ve gotten over your stupidity, let’s get going,” said Skuld as she lead the way. “Oh, yeah, get a much more brighter fire ball, will you? I don’t want you to get freak out over a tree branch again,” chuckled Skuld as she ignored the death-glare Urd was giving her.
The journey began again with some frequent arguments over some small matters and…..C*R*A*S*H…and…..T*H*U*M*P…and….Y*E*O*W..and
“Hah, I got you!!” cried Urd in joy as she held up a pity looking rabbit by it’s two long ears.
“Oh, that poor bunny! We can’t eat such a kawaii looking creature,” said Skuld, looking into the rabbit’s soulful eyes.
“But Skuld, WE need to eat,” protested Urd. “There’s no time for pitying.”
“I said let go of it,” said Skuld.
“I will not!!” exclaimed Urd with determination.
“You’ll do as I say!” yelled Skuld.
“Then I’ll eat and you don’t,” said Urd.
“If I don’t get to eat it eat, you don’t get to eat it too,” argued Skuld.
In the middle of the argument, Mr. Rabbit took the opportunity to escape. With a hard tug, Mr. Rabbit was freed from Urd’s evil clutches. He leaped high in the air and then he was….gone. Urd, stared open-mouthed at her empty hand and it meant….no food….the word ‘I’m gonna die” and…kill Skuld!!!
“Skuld, you’re gonna be dead meat!!!” shouted Urd angrily as fire surrounded her body and that only meant….
“HELP!! Onee-san, tasukete!!! Anybody, somebody!!” screamed Skuld as she started running with a veeeerrrry furious Urd hot on her heels.
“Bring back that darn rabbit to me,” shouted Urd as she waved her hands high in the air, summoning a fire-ball.
“Onee-san!! Keiichi!! HELP!!” screamed Skuld as she dodged several fire-balls, firing at her way.
“Keiichi, are you sure we don’t have to wake them up? It looks…dangerous,” said Belldandy, sweat-dropping at the look of madness on Urd’s face and very panicky Skuld.
“Daijoubu, I’m sure Skuld will be alright,” said Keiichi, trying hard not to smug at the forever snobbish looking Skuld who looked terrified as she was being chased by her elder sister.
The moment the words slipped out of Keiichi’s mouth, Skuld’s expression changed into menace.
“Oh yeah, if you can kill me, then I get to kill you too!” yelled Skuld.
Suddenly Skuld’s hands yanked up and hit Keiichi’s squarely on his jaw causing him to fly ten feet high in the air. Belldandy screamed in shock as she heard the terrifying THUD somewhere near their camping site. She went to find her lover-boy while abandoning the two killer sisters to kill themselves. A few minutes later….they’re still killing each other whereas Keiichi had a very….HUGE bruise on his jaw.
“Help!! Somebody!! Anybody!!!” screamed Urd.
20-Feb, 12 view(s)