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Fri, 14 Mar 2025 20:54
Belldandy Gift


By Lanz

"Where...am I?", I said as I scanned the surroundings. I looked at my left and saw some grasses and flowers, and a couple of benches at my right. Right in front of me is a fountain.

"Is this a park? Then why it is blurred?", I thought. I looked around again. This time, I saw something at the bench. There is *something* in there, but it is so hard to see because of this blurriness. suddenly, someone called my name. As my curiosity strikes, I walked closer to the bench. The figure in the bench is becomming visible as I walked closer.

The person in the bench is a girl about my age, wearing some strange clothing. It looks like a robe with strange patterns at the edges; yellow, triangular patterns in the edges to be exact. The robe is colored kinda bluish. inside the robe is a white clothing, and it looks like a plain nightgown. While scanning her appearance, she stood up and naively looked at me.

"You have come, Lloyd", she said. Her blue eyes are glued in mine. Her eyes reminded me of something.

"Eh? what do you mean that I have come? I even don't know you.", I replied nervously. Everytime a girl is eying me like that sometimes makes me kinda nervous.

"Oh, so you forgot...", she said, frowning. Now her blue, naive eyes are now full of dissapointment.

"H-hey, I do'nt understand...", I said back, confused.

"Last time, in here also, you promised me to guard and protect me...do you remember now?", she spoke, now she's trying to hold my hand. It seems that it is important to me to remember that....but I don't remember a thing!

"Guard you?", that is all that I said. My thoughts now are filled with weirdness, and confusion.


All of a sudden, strange lights emerged everywhere, until I don't see anything...even the girl's prescence is in nowhere...all I see now is just only warm, shiny light.


"What the.....?", I opened my eyes and noticed the blue-colored celing in my room with the light turned off. It is already morning. The sun has come up. Chickens from the nearby farm are starting to cluck. Old women are starting to sweep the yard of their homes and in the yards. Men are starting to rev up their vehicles so that it will ready for the work ahead. Newspaper vendors are sarting to sell their daily papers.

I wake up and grabed my digital alarm clock. It read 5:30 A.M. I get up from my bed and yawned. I heard some footsteps comming closer in the door. Then the door opened, revealing my mom who is wearing her everyday morning clothes.

"Hey Lloyd! Breakfast is ready!", she said briefly. Afterwards, she came down again to serve breakfast.

"Yes mom!" I replied and yawned. After that, I arranged my bed. After that, I opened the sliding window, making the morning sun creep to my room. Also, it creates a warm, cozy feeling when the morning sunlight hits my room. Afterwards, I remember something while looking at my calendar.

"Oh yeah. Today is the first day of classes!", I thought, as I saw the latest AMG calendar that I recently purchased in the nearby store. Seeing at the picture in the calendar, I remembered something in my mind.

"The girl in that picture...is that the one in my dream lately?", I thought as I went closer to the calendar to examine it. The picture in the calendar is has the clothes exactly in my dream...But why did I dreamed about that? Could be an omen? Duh...I really don't know why. Then, I heard again my mom's voice from the first floor.

"Lloyd! Come eat your breakfast or you might get hungry in school!", she said in a voice that is clear when you hear it.

"Comming mom!", I replied again while wearing my slippers. To start the day right, I decided to come down to eat breakfast, leaving my *pad* that has full of posters, wallscrolls, and merchandises. All of those are AMG's. Well, some of them.

I came down to the first floor and started my daily routines. First of all, go to the bathroom to wash my face. After that, I washed my hands and towel it well until it dries. When finished, go to the dining room to eat breakfast. In the table, I saw my father, drinking some coffee and reading the daily newspaper, just like other breadwinners in the other parts of the world. In the lady suzan(the part of the table that is rotatable), I saw food. Toasts, jam, hotdogs, eggs, and rice. Yep. Breakfast food. Fast to cook but heavy in the stomach.

I sat down in the table beside my father. I grabbed a plate, spoon and fork, and start filling my stomach with rice, egg and some hotdogs. While eating, my father calls my name, while reading his papers.

"Hey son, ready for school?"

"Yes pops.", I replied after emptying my mouth and sipping some water to soften it.

"Y'know Lloyd? Thanks for your academic excellence last year, we have saved a lot of money." He said proudly.

"Eh? How much dad?" I said.

"Add your tuition fee, and your exammination fee. Add them all together, you will see the answer.", He replied while sipping his coffee. "Remember that your exams are composed of prelims and periodicals.", he added.

While eating, I calculated all of them by first multiplying the fee for the prelims and periodicals by 4. Then adding the tuition fee. My eyes widened as i solved the equation.

"Wow.", I said surprisingly. "Sure it saved a lot."

"Last schoolyear, you have saved of money a lot son.", my father spoke. "I hope that this schoolyear, you can do it again.", he added.

"I'll try it-", I said but Father interrupted me.

"Don't just try...do it!", he said happily, and prowd in me. Because of what he said, I was inspired. I don't what to say next. So I just said this in reply.

"Ok. I'll do it for us pops!", I said surely, with assurance.

After some munchs and gulps I finished eating my breakfast. Afterwards, I took a bath so that I can be fresh when going to school. After showering and toweling, I went upstairs and into my pad. Opening my cabinet, I saw all my things. In the left part of the cabinet, all my merchandises are there...ranging from posters to figurines. Looking in the right portion, all my clothings are in there. Houseclothes, jeans, cargo pants, casual, formal clothings and schoolclothes.

I grabbed my schoolclothes and wear them. It is just an ordinary white polo-jacket with my school's logo printed in the pocket located in the left side of the polo. my undershirt is just plain white. The pants is navy-blue with two pockets in the side and in the back. After that, I wore my black shoes, and then styled my hair. Everytime I go out of the house, I always style my hair the weird way, to make it unique, of course. Some spikes here and some spikes there. Everytime my classmates see this style, they always call me 'K1' - a character in a popular anime.

After some styling, I equip some accessories. The common accessories that I usually bring is a black G-Shock wristwatch, a black wallet with some money in it, enough for my lunch and other expenses, and of course, an eyeglass that I use it everyday. Everytime I wear those specs, It gives me an accent. After that, I grabbed my backpack, and checked my things.

"Guess I'm all ready now...", I said after checking it. Afterwards, I opened my door but I went back again because I forgot my Atlantis(a men's perfume made by "/bench"). I grabbed the bottle in the table and slid it in the pocket of my bag. Once again, I went out in my pad, closing the door and went to the masters bedroom to inform my parents that i'm going. After that, I went downstairs, passing the dining room. I opened the front door and went to the path where the school is located. From here to the school, it is just a walking distance.

"I wonder...what's new in there?" I thought as i started walking northward, hitting my face with the sunlight in the east side.


It takes only ten minutes to reach school. From Lloyd's house, he will go straight ahead until he reaches an intersection. The intersection has four directions; one to the left, one to the right, one upward, and one downward. Going downward will to the residential district, where Lloyd's house is located. Going left will go to the marketplace. Going right on the other hand is where the commercial district is located. And last, going upward is where the district exit is located. This is where the school is located and the road connected to the highway that leads to different districts and cities. Either of the three ways, it is still connected to the district exit.

Lloyd decided to take the northern road because of the terrain. Going east will be uphill, which will take time to walk. Going wastward is flat, but is is sweating long because of many bends. The northern road is just right...straight terrain with full of houses, and it is not long to get to school, compared of the roadway in the commercial district.

Going north, Lloyd started to walk, looking in the houses and the wonderful view of nature. As he walked to the wooden bridge, he briefly stopped, looked at his left and looked at the spectacular view. It is a clear river, with fishes swimming harmoniously. Also, he sees the busy marketplace and the residential areas. after a brief sightseeing, he then walked again, continuing to his destination.

While walking in the paved surface, he felt something. He feels that somebody is watching or spying him. Immidietly, he stopped walking and began looking at his surroundings. in the side of his eye, he saw a sudden rattling of the bush. Being suspicious, Lloyd walked forward until he is close to the bush.

"Show yourself!", Lloyd said as he stanced, eyeing cautiously at the bush. In case of attacking him, he put his bag to his right hand.

No answer. The rustling also stopped.

"Sheesh...its just a stray cat, I think. What a waste of time". He said again, bapping.

He went to the road again and started walking. As he walked, somebody jumped in mid-air towards him. Lloyd saw it and its is like going to hit him.

"GAH!!!", his eyes widened and evaded it. "Just what the hell are you thinking about!?", he shouted.

"Hahahahahah!!! Gotcha man!", the man replied. "don't tell me that you forgot me!", he added and smiled at Lloyd.

The man is just as old as Lloyd. He has tanned skin, spiked hair, and wearing schoolclothes just like Lloyd's. He carries a red and white colored bag, and a Baller(a rubber bracelet that is popular in NBA) in his left arm with "Denver Nuggets", engraved in it. Also, he wears a white hat with a black Tribal(a hat from Tribal Gear) logo in the front. Scaning his attire, Lloyd knows now who he is.

"Darn you Neth, what kind of gag is that?! You looked like a dork...", Lloyd said as he went closer to his friend and gave him a knuckle in his head.

"I just wanna surprise you man! Besides, you are the one who is like a dork when you are surprised in me... If you can just look yourself" he replied while he composes himself. "Hey, do you know the latest in school today?", he added.

"No. Is there anything new?", Lloyd said back and sprayed some Atlantis in his polo uniform.

"Ah...outdated as always...", Neth said as he started to taunt Lloyd. He also grabbed Lloyd's Atlantis and sprayed on himself.

"Shut up...you blockhead. I'm real busy at home and THAt'S why I dont have the time to get some news.", Lloyd shot back, grabbing his Atlantis back in his hands before it runs out. He spun it like a Colt 45 Revolver, then retuned it in his bag.

"Y'know? We gotta start walkin' before we get late", he said as he looked in his watch.

The two start walking together and they tell stories to each other. Some of those were jokes and some of those are green, courtesy of his friend, Neth. They starting to reminise all the events that happened to them last schoolyear. They then remember about the time when they are bullied by a wanna-be notorious group. To beat them, They stanced by having their torso down as posible and their legs are apart. As the gang started to charge, the run towards them and gave their enemies with a striking low blow. The weight from their body shifts to their fists, giving them a strong uppercut to the enemy's groins. The two laughed happily as they visualized the funny faces of their enemy. After that, Lloyd reminded something.

"Hey Neth...you said that you will gonna tell me what is new is school, right?", Lloyd said as they walk.

"Oh that? Well, according to my sources, we will gonna have...I think two or three foreigners.", he replied. "They said that they will be in the same section as ours.", he added. Lloyd is starting to get interesting in this news. He is starting to get curious.

"And that mean that those three foreigners will be our classmates?", Lloyd said back.

"Right-o, Lloyd-o" Neth replied.

"Who are they? What nationality are they?"

"Hmmm...dunno. But one of them is named...uh...Ve...Viva....."

"Verthandi...?" Lloyd guessed.

"Yeah, thats it...", Kenneth, said in approval. "Hey...how did you know that?", he curiously added.

"Nah...its just a freakin' wild guess", Lloyd replied

"Hah! Not bad for an outdated person!", Neth said, taunting Lloyd again.

"Say that for the third time and I'll gonna stick this knuckle of mine to your face", Lloyd said, clenching his fist and targets it to him.

As thay walk, a brief silence enveloped between the two friends. After five seconds, they started to laugh again.

"Hahahahahah!!! Do that and I'll gonna give you a missile drop kick!", Neth said, trying to match Lloyd's challenge.

"Hahahahah! Oh yeah? then I'll gonna give you a piledriver that will gonna make your head stuck in the pavement where you are standing! Now how about that!?", Lloyd said.

Happiness bursted betrween the two of them. While walking, they release friendly punches, noogies upercuts, and elbows to each other. The happiness grew louder when Neth suddenly farted while laughing. In response, Lloyd, grabbed his blue hankee and placed it in his nose to avoid the *deadly* fumes. Then, he sarted to taunt him back by saying that the whole place will gonna be Area 51 when he farts, and so on and so fourth until they are tired of laughing. they stopped walking when they are standing in front of a gate.

"Whew...we're finally here.", Lloyd said, standing near the main gate of the school. Believe in or not, with all of those events starting from his friend's entrance until the Area 51 incident only takes seven minutes.

"Yeah. We made it in time "Lloyd!", Neth said as he looked at the school compound.

In front of Lloyd and Neth is the school's main gate. It is made of steel and painted with grey paint. The gate is slided widely so that students are encouraged to go to the school. The walls outside are made of bricks. Even through it is made of bricks, they are also are strong. They can last for many years and it is strong against disasters. Left of them(Lloyd and Neth) is where the main highway is located. The highway where it connects to the rest of the places.

"C'mon, let's go 'Neth.", Lloyd said. Neth nodded in response and the two entered the gate.

The School is designed like the private highschools in Japan. It is divided into three facilities, fixed with steel footbridges in the top parts of the facilities so that it will be convinient to go facility-to-facility without going down to the ground floor. Starting from the northern part is the Highschool Department. On the right side is the Preschool and the Elementary Department. And in the northern part is the Office Dept,where the Faculty Room and the School's Office is located. In the back of those three facilities is where the caffeteria and the gymnasium is located. In the center of the campus lies the statue of a person, with benches in the side. The flooring is paved with gray, outdoor tiles and tres scattered in the whole school. Some of those trees were Cherry Blossoms, imported from Japan and others are FireTrees. When those bloom together, they make the school a wonderful view.

"Now...we are already in here and then we don't know where our room is located.", Neth said, pouting.

"We should go to the office then..", Lloyd said, smiling because of the wonderful view.

The two went into the Office Dept, and went into the 'Information' section. As they go to the nearby help assistant, they stopped because there is somebody talking to the assistant. It is a girl, the same age as the two. She has a long braided hair, and its kinda brunette in color. She wears the assigned girls uniform, White sailor blouse with black trimmings and a black skirt. After a few seconds, the girl finished talking with the assistant and went outside. Looking her face as shes going closer, Lloyd scanned her face.

"She is *familliar* to me...really familliar...", Lloyd thought. All of a sudden, the girl stopped walking and headed in Lloyd's direction. She said something to Lloyd.

"Its your turn, mister. I'm sorry for keeping you waiting.", the girl said sweetly with a rather familliar accent. After that, she went out of the facility. Lloyd is boggled. Its like he is stunned for some unkown reason.

"Hey Lloyd, its our turn now.", Neth said as he noticed that the assistant is vacant.

-No replies-


-No Answer-

"Hello? Earth to Lloyd? Can you hear me?", he said once again as he cupped his right hand to Lloyd's ear.

"........cute....", Lloyd replied strangely like a hypnotized being.

"Heh...As I expected.", Neth nodded a few times. To wake Lloyd up, he tried to chop the part of his head. But he didn't woke up. Still being unconsious, Lloyd suddenly fell to the ground, like a log.


"Uh-oh...looks like it didn't worked at all..." Neth spoke, scratching the back of his head. He then sat down and looked at his friend. He was surprised when he saw Lloyd's eyes are pure white.

"Heh...as expected. This one needs a jumpstart." He said. neth then put his right hand in the top of his right hand. Then he placed it to Lloyd's chest, spreading his fingers. It seems that he is using his CPR technique.

"Alright, here goes nuthin'!!!", He said after giving breaths. Neth then starts to pump Lloyd's chest.

"AHHHHHH!!!!", Lloyd shouted in pain. His eyes had turned back to normal and it seems that he has woken up. Funnily, all the teachers looked at Neth as they heard something shouting.

"WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR, YOU BONEHEAD!!!" Lloyd exclaimed, but not as loud as the first shout. From his black eyes, it then turned red.

"You just fainted, thats all!!!" Neth replied. His face seems laughing, but he is just controlling it.

"THEN YOU JUST SNIFFED ME SOME AMMONIA INSTEAD!!!" Lloyd exclaied again, clenching his fist. The employees then 'SSSSHHHHHEEEEDD' at the two.

"Nah...It already happened, so don't just mind it!" Neth said happily, with a big grin.

"Grrrrrr...." Theat is the only thing heard from Lloyd. He then stod up.

"Say, You know that girl?" Neth questioned Lloyd.

"No. But she is real pretty.", Lloyd replied as he is starting to color his face with redness. It seems that his furious face turned into normal also.

"That's the girl I'm tellin' ya." Neth spoke.

"You mean..."

"Yep. the girl that came clost to you is Verthandi.", Neth said.

"Oh...is she Norweigan? Or French?", Lloyd questioned back.

"Dunno. But we will gonna know that in class.", Neth replied. "C'mon let's go ask the assistant. He's vacant now. Besides, the clock is ticking!", he added.

Looking at Lloyd's G-shock, it read 6:55. "Oh yeah...", he exclaimed.

The two went to the helpdesk and asked the assistant about the directions to their room. The two memorized it and then thanked the assistant afterwards. After that, they went out in the facility.

"Its Section C-4, right Lloyd?", Neth saked.

"Yep. Thats it." Lloyd replied as they proceed to the stairway. "This will gonna be a good day, what do you think Neth", he added.

"Uh-huh...this will gonna be a good schoolyear...I hope.", Neth replied.

Lloyd and his friend walked until they saw the room. The two stand next to the gray door, taked some deep breaths, and slided the door. A light struck their eyes as they slided the door with the word 'C-4' in the nearby wall.


Wow...everything has changed...and I mean ALL the things...the old, wooden chairs are now replaced with steel ones, coated in gray to have a modern look. the windows now are made from sliding ones. The paintjob is also new. The school grounds are now visible. It looks like I was standing in a diffrent school, like the exclusive ones. Big-time private schools, to be exact.

"Woah...its totally renovated...", i spoke, still surprised on what I saw.

"Wowzah man!", Neth also exclaimed. It seems that he cannot believe it form what he had seen.

Actually, everybody from our batch last year will gonna be surprised when they saw the rooms this new...compared to last year...

--------------------..--------- >--------------------..---------
*One year ago*

"Oh geez! When they will gonna upgrade this things?!" Neth is dissapointed on what he saw.

"Don't complain, I'm sure that you already got the hang of this!", I said to him, trying to ease his dissapoined mood.

"Guess you're right, bud.", he replied and sighed. "It seems that we will gonna use this 'stockroom' for the rest of the year.", he added.

"Yep, we have no choice.", I replied "Besides, everything will gonna change by the next schoolyear."

At that time, the room is like a warm stockroom. Starting from the painted walls...actually, they are not painted at all. The white paint has discolored into yellow, with red in the bottom. Some of the paint has been ripped off because of weather changes. The chairs are made from wood, with steel legs, painted to maple-colored paint. The windows are made from jalousies and aluminum bars. Because of some naughty students who are desperately trying to become rich, or just wanna have money to play at computer shops, they take off those bars and sell it in a junk shop. some of the glasses were also missing. Yep, that is the classroom before...unfunctionable electric fans, busted florecent lights, broken windows, wooden, damaged doors...

The following day, I heard some rumors from the teachers. I immidietly said this to Neth.

"Eh?", he wondered curiously.

"Yeah...why? you still dont know about the news?"

"Uh-huh...what will gonna hapen next year?

"Well...as you can see...our school is getting close to bankruptcy, right, Neth?"

He nodded. "Yeah, an thats why this school is lack in maintinance work."

"Because of this crisis, the head principal decided to sell this school to a rich friend of hers, and do you wanna know what will gonna happen next?", I said, smiling.

"If the 'rich man' buys the school, then he will renovate it, right?", Neth said.

"Bingo!" I exclaimed, raising my index finger in emphasis.

"Then that means..." Neth's eyes is starting to glow, a twinkle of hope is starting to appear in top of him.

"Yep! The things that we see in here in here will gonna be changed to new ones!!!", I replied. My smile is extending in exitement.

Actually, I dont believe in those rumors before because things hasn't changed until the final quarter came. But now...

"Hey Lloyd! Are you gonna go in or what?", Neth spoke, making me return back to reality.

He and I entered the room and felt the cold air that came from the newly-installed aircon. The fresh apple scent from the air makes my body calm and relaxing. According to my estimation, this aircon is brand-new and has the speed of at least 1 or 2 horsepower. This power can make this room cold like in the malls in the commercial district. I continued walking but suddenly someone called our names. I looked at the source of voice and saw a familliar face. He has a near-white complexion, and he is just as taller as Neth. His limbs are kinda muscular, with some hairs. His hair is styled in oasis. Yep, I already know who is this...

"Lloyd! Neth! Long-time-no-see!!!" he shouted in glee.

"Hey Ry! How is it been now? its been a long time!" I said as I gave him a high-five.

"WOAH Ry!!! You're still ALIVE???!!!" Neth jokingly greeted him. He is always like that.

"You bloke, I'm not like you..." Ry countered, giving him a narrowing eye.

"So, whats new in here, got any news?" I spoke, changing the subject.

"Hmmm...news...yeah, I got some of 'em." Ry replied.

"What is it about?" I questioned him.

"Well, guess you already know that all the things in here had already changed, so I'll just gonna skip that. Here is a new one. You see, we have some new classmates in here and according to what I heard, three of the new ones are foreigners. The two will be surely be in here together with us, but I'm not sure about the last one..."

"Foreigners? One of them must be the one that Neth and I saw." I thought. For some unknown reason, I became exited and praying her to be in our class.

"...but you know what? One of the foreigners is already in here." Ry continued.

"Eh? where is she then...?" I said, looking at the class.

"Look where this bonehead is looking. I'm sure that his mind is drifting again into outer space." He replied and waved his hand to Neth's line of sight. It seems that his mind is drifting, indeed. I looked to where Neth is looking and saw a rather starange girl. Starting from the face, her hair is straight and colored platinum. Her eyes are kinda different, but what is really strange is her irises. It is colored olive-green.

"...what nationality is she? I bet that she is not raised in this country...", I wonderd thoughtfully.

Continuing scanning, her skin is tanned, and has a slender figure. She is wearing the usual school uniform, white, Japanese-styled blouse, and a skirt that extends to the legs. She also wears black, high socks and black shoes.

"Heh...thats why Neth's brain had crashed!", I thought, giving a grin and a giggle.

Suddenly, Ry is planning something to him. From out of nowhere, he grabbed a broadsheet-type newspaper and rolled all of them. Afterwards He crouched to Neth's back and whacked him hard. Neth's eyes had protruded because of the impact. His body bended over. Strangely, a small lump had appeared in the target zone. Immidietly, Neth stood up like a robot and turned his face to Ry.

"WHAT THE F***** HELL DID YOU DO THAT FOR!!!???" he growled, grabbing the rolled-up newspaper from Ry's right hand. My ears were ringging because of the sound waves. Ry's ears were forcefully folding to cover his eardrums.

"...Well, your mind stopped and I tried to wake you up!" he replied. Sweat were already appearing from his face.


"Please don't hit me, I'm just trying to help you recover your brain..." Ry spoke nervously. It seems that Neth has become berserk. He clenched his fists and he stretched his arms sideways.

"Uh-oh! Run Ry! You'll gonna die for sure!" I exclaimed while laughing.

"GRRRRR!! TASTE THIS!!! ELECTRIC FAN ATTACK! NUMBER 10!!!", He growled as his body is starting to spin. A tornado appears.

"Ahhhhh!!! Have mercy!!!", Ry shielded himself by hiding from the Teacher's table.

"Will you three, SHUT UP!!!", a haughty voice interjected. Neth's special attack stopped. Ry, on the other hand, relieved himself. I positioned my glasses and looked at the source of the voice. My two friends looked also and their facial expression became from frenzy/pleading to serious.

"Holy...she is still HERE???!" I thought, surprised to what i have seen.

"Hey, Terina...you still here?" Neth said. It seems that he also is shocked.

"Of course I'm here...that's why you are talkin' to me right at this compound, right? you blockheads?", Terin spoke offensively, and also raising her left eyebrow. Neth's teeth grited.

"Mind your own business...", I said, trying to defend my friend. Ry also said that, making Terina go into checkmate.

"Right. We're doing nothing to you." Ry added.

"Hmmph...", that is the only word we heard from her. She lost in the word battle. After that, she turned away from us and walked back to her peers. I almost laughed when I saw her tripped.

"Meh...she hase'nt changed since last year." I thought as I bapped.
--------------------..--------- >--------------------..---------
*Finals, last year*

"This is the crusial point guys. If you managed to fail this, your grades will be pulled out and your standings will drop a notch. But if you can pass all of them, then you can stay to your rankings. If you are lucky, you might even gain up notches!" our last adviser reminded us.

"Hah! I'm sure that I will pass all this subjects!" Terina bragged with a social, haughty tone. Everybody in the class got angry when they heard that. Some of them were gotten offensive.

...And that includes me...

"She just said that because she is leeching all of the subject teachers, thats why she is that confident..." I thought, narrowing my eyes. " Karma will gonna pull back strong if she will continue that..." I added surely.

Terina is one of the most charismatic pupils in school, and when the word 'Charisma' is combined to her, then it means 'Leeching'. Leeching, as in gaining favor of people by all means necessary. Unbelievably, she had leeched all of the subject teachers...well, some of them because there are teachers that don't accept flattery and bribery.

*Examination Day*

As I answer the questionares, I felt worried. Worried of my rankings. At that time, Terina is in pole position, and I'm the second. If she managed to retain her position until the closing ceremonies, then she will gain all the benifits of the school, like fully-paid tuition fees, fully-paid examination permits, and fame. What will happen to me if that happened? Well, instead of fully-paid, the school will grant me a 50% discount in tuition and examination permit fees. That means our family income will gonna reduce significantly.

"Oh great...what will happen if that became true? What will happen to me? The only thing to regain my standing is to let Terina fail this exam...", I thought nervously.

*After a hour*

"Okay class! Pass your papers forward and I wish you good luck!", the teacher declared and went out of the classroom as he grabbed our examination papers.

Good thing that I answered all of the questions in time. But what about Terina? If her scores are much higher than mine, then it will gonna be doomsday in my life. After the teacher dismissed us, I went back home and let just Lady Luck do the exam results.

*Judgement Day*

"Okay, this is the day...That bullitein board over there will decide if I can gain back my rankings or not!" I said as I entered the gate like a soldier waiting if he will be deployed to a place or just to stay in barracks.

All the students were in the BBS section. All of them, including me wanna know if they passed or not. I heard somebody that all of us had passed. Some of the students were jumping in joy while some others are like they are carring the world in their two hands. But I really wanna know if i had succeded or not.

"There is only one choice...and that is to go in the BBS section and look for my name." I said, having some breaths.

From the gate, the BBS is located just at the right part of the campus, far from the three compounds and the center statue. I went in the right until I reached the BBS section. After that, I browsed the name of our class section and looked for my name. It took me almost 15 minutes. After finding the sheet for our section, my eyes widened. My name is located right in the bottom of Terina's name.

"The heck.....?" that is the only phrase I said, dropping my jaw in the ground. I failed. She won, and I lost. I was about to enter the dissapointed universe but suddenly...I heard a sound like the engine of a F-1 race car.


"WAIT, EVERYONE!!!" the head principal rushed into the BBS section, making a sound barrier right into my face. My hair was ruined and my glasses tilted and cracked.

"Ty...po......ty-pos......", he said, trying to catch his breaths. He then composed himself and then grabbed a pen from his jacket. After that, he scanned the papers page-by-page, like a supercomputer, scaning the names faster than a speeding bullet. He then stopped when he reached the paper containing the names of our class. Come think of it, if the Guiness Crew were here, he will gonna make a world record!

"This it it!", he exclaimed. He continued scanning until he found the names of mine and Terina.

"What THE...???" I thought as I saw him scribbling our names and writing new ones with a nice penmanship.

The principal then puts his pen in his jacket, finishing his work. I am surprised on what I saw.

*************TOPNOTCHERS IN SECTION A-5*************
1. LLOYD - 89.5 = 90%
2. TERINA - 86.2 = 86%

"According to the teachers, Ms. Terina failed to pass her exam yesterday. Because of this, Mr. Lloyd will replace her, and that is final. Congrats, Lloyd!." he concluded.

"OH YEAH!!!! WOOHOO!!! YES! I finally made it!" I exclaimed happily, jumping in joy.

Terina came also and looked at the papers. And the only thing that I remember is that she became stoned...and then crumbled in pieces...until the janitor cleaned the fallen pieces of rubble...
---------------------------..--------- >--------------------..---------

"Hey Lloyd, you heard the news?" Neth talkd to me, making me go back to the reality once again.

"...news...?" I replied, wondering what is he talking about. A big question mark appeared on the top of my head.

"You didn't heard it?"

"Nope...not a thing..." I said.

"The announcer said that classes will start any minute now so we must go now to our chairs." Ry said, explaining the news that they heard. It seems that I'm the only one who did not heard it. All the students are now starting to go to their chairs.

"Oh well, guess I have to find a good place now." I thought.

I looked at the vacant chairs to sit on. I dont want to sit right in the front row because I might sniff some chalk dust while they erase the blackboard. In the middle row...

"Well its kinda crowdy.." I stated, looking at the chairs that has bags on it. It means that the chairs are already occupied.

Guess I have no choice but to sit in the back row. I walked towards the final row and decided to sit in the left part where the large sliding window is located. As I reached the chair, I hung my bag in the bag hanger in the side of by desk, then sat on the chair. Because of the steel alloy of the chair, it felt cold because it conducts the cold air of the aircon. After sitting, I looked at the view outside of the window, seeing everything in my sight. The school grounds, the monument statue, even the four districts are visible, including the resendential district. Good thing that our classroom is in the second to the topmost floor. It is such a very wonderful sight.

"Nice view, huh?" A voice emerged in my side. It must be the foreigner-gal that Ry told us. In response, I looked at her, greeting with a smile.

"New in here?" I said entertainingly.

"Yup." she said. "In fact, I am also surprised about the view in there. Didn't expect that this place is so big."

"Yeah...it is really big." I said, looking once again at the view.

"Is your house in that place?", the girl said, pointing at the residential district.

"Yeah...it is in the resedential district. A ten-minute walk from here." I responded.

"Hmmm...whats your name?"

"Lloyd...whats yours?"

"Urudo...Urudo Hayazaki." she said. "Pretty weird, huh?" she added.

"Er...no...not at all...actually, it is very unique...Your name is a dimin from a Norn in the Scandinavian myth, right?" I replied, smiling.

"How did you know that?" she wondered.

"I just read some books. Actually, I also met a girl in here that has also a name taken from the Scandinavian myths." I said.

"That must be my sister...whats her name?"

"Um...Verthandi. Yes. That's right." I said back, eying at my G-shock. I don't know why, but conversations like these, I sometimes peer at my watch.

"As expected. When did you meet her?" she questioned.

"In the helpdesk. Before me and my friend got here." I said.

She hung her head down, cupping her hands in her chin while putting her pen in her right ear. "Heh...I think she is lost...She is my sister. She is sweet, kind, gentle but kinda naive..." she said, describing her sister's profile.

"Gentle...naive?! I think I knew that somewhere..." I said quietly. Another big question mark appeared in my head.

"You like those kind of women, don't you?" she said. Looks like she heard it all along...and the question mark in my head turned into an exclamation mark.

"..um..its not like that..." I said back, blushing.

"Hmm? But I can tell it that you like them...maybe I should introduce her to you, what do you think?"

"...ermmmm..." Thats all that I can say. either way, I'm sure that she will introduce her sister wheather I say something or not.

All of the sudden, the door slided, revealing a young man in his early 20's. He must be our adviser. After entering, he then went to the teacher's desk and put his things on the table. He has a normal-built body, about 5'7 in height and he is wearing a loose T-shirt and black denim pants. He sure is trendy...especially the shades that he put in his head.

"Listen up, guys! I'll gonna be your adviser for this schoolyear. Allow me to intro-" he suddenly paused as he heard the door open. "Now, who is it now...?" he said as he turned his head to the door.

"Ah, she made it right in time!" Urudo exitedly said. I then looked at the door.

"It looks like that she made it in here all along..." I thought, turning my head in the window.


"This is strange...where am I? All I remember is just that I went to bed and then go to sleep...but what is this place?"

This must be a park. There are benches, fountains, grasses. But Why is it foggy? ...and cold? I started to walk, trying to explore the surroundings. Strangely, it seems that I'm not going anywhere. Also, why am I wearing these? It is a weird dress, some kind that you cannot find this anywhere in this world. But come think of it, it is nice. I like the color combinations, White gown-like dress in my inside, covering from my breast to the middle of my legs. Attached on the outside is a robe-like thing, colored with blue, with yellowish triangle shapes in the edges. It makes me feel like a deity.

"...a deity..."

I suddenly felt something after I uttered that word. I suddenly felt that I must be a deity...or something like that. Afterwards, confusion starts to fill in my mind. I then sat down in the bench located near the fountain, looking in the strange park. I then looked at the surroundings, seeing what will happen next. Suddenly, something is walking in the middle of the thick fog. It is walking in my direction, and it seems like a man. Closer by closer, his profile is becoming visible, its hair, face, and body. I then gasped as I saw his face, its like my childhood friend...no it IS really him!!! I then tried to call him.


After I called him, I remembered the time when we parted together. That is one of the events that I will treasure forever...

--------------------..--------- >--------------------..---------
*A few years ago*

At that time, Lloyd, together with his family members will migrate to a far away land. Since they will go in the following day, He decided to call me and meet together for the last time.


I went down from my room, and answered the phone.

"Hello?" I greeted.

"Hello, Is that you, Vi-chan?" the voice from the other line spoke. "Its me, Lloyd!" he spoke again.

"What is it, Lloyd-san?" I said.

"Wanna meet with me for the last time?" he said. My heats then starts beating strangely, and its telling me to come.

"Yes, sure. Where's the place?"

"As usual, in the place that we always meet together! I'll be waiting in the benches." he replied.

"Got it, Lloyd. I'll see you there!" I then said happily.

Without wasting time, I said goodbye to him, putting the phone down and began dressing up. Since it is December, I decided to wear a white blouse with a knitted blue blazer, matched with a white skirt that stretches from my waistline to the upper middle part of my legs. And to complete my outfit, I wore my brown leather shoes and put my neck choker. That choker is from Lloyd, he gave it to me at my birthday last year.

"Whenever I wear this, he always told me that I'm like a person appearing in Japanese animations, so I guess I'll wear this."

After that, I went down and went out of the house, telling my sisters that I'll going out for a while. Then, I went out in the front door, and start walking into the streets. As I reached into the main highway, I called a cab, and then sat in the backseat. I told the driver my destination.

"Bayside Park, sir." I said casually.

After a few minutes, the cab stopped. The driver told me that we are in Bayside Park. I then paid the bill and got out the cab. I walked to the entrance, and into the steel arch with the word "Welcome to Bayside Park!" engraved to it. To have a good look, the arch is adorned with live, red roses and other ornamental plants. As I enter the main park. The snow fell, making the park have a nice and romantic atmosphere. Grasses in the park is now covered lightly with snow. Since it is winter, the trees were also covered lightly with snow. I then continued walking until I saw the fountain, with beautiful plants around it.

"This is the place, but where is he?" I looked around and I saw a man waving his hand. It must be him. He is sitting in a bench, holding something in his right hand. I then walked closer. He the standed up and then handing me something.

"Here, this one's for you Vi." he said, giving me a small box that can easily fit in my palm. "By the way, nice winter attire. I like the colors." he said, smiling, looking at me decently from head to toe. It made me blush.

"Th-thanks...Lloyd-san." I said, still boggled on his nice compliment. "Anyway, what is in this box?" I asked him, shaking the small box to what is in there.

"Open it." He said. I then untied the pink ribbon and oppened the red-colored box. In the box, there is a single earing, colored in gold, like the color in my choker. It is shaped in circle with small hanging thingies below it. It is pretty, and it surely matches with the choker he gave me.

"What is this earring for?" I said to him.

"Hmmm...that is called a limiter. According to the story, it is once owned by a female deity. She always wears that in order to limit her power usage." Lloyd said.

"A female deity?" I wondered. He continued his story. Lloyd nodded.

"Yeah...since she has the power to create and or destroy the world, she must wear that at all times. Nice story, huh?" he said. "Say, why don't you wear that now?" he added. I then put the earring in my left ear.

"How is this, then?" I said. He looked at my left ear, and smiled.

"Now you are now like her!" he said with a smile.

"Her?" I wondered.

"Nah...just dont mind that." Afterwards, he chuckled and I sat in the bench beside him.

"Okay...now why do you want to meet with me? I said, changing the subject. Lloyd's head head hung down and start to talk in a different tone.

"As you can see...I'm leaving tomorrow. And I'm not sure if I can still come back. It looks like that I cannot make that proimise at all." he said.

"The promise...he still remembered that." I thought.

"...and that's why I gave you that earring. Wear that always and I'll gonna protect you even I'm far away. I'm your guardian, remember?" he said, making a smile to brighten the athmosphere. I was about cry but It seems that I am touched at all...


Tears were starting to flow in my eyes and ran down in my cheeks.

"Now-now...don't cry...you will just ruin your dress, you know!" Lloyd spoke, trying to make me calm by patting my shoulder.

"But *snff* ...what will happen now if you leave? *snff-snff* I...will...*snff* gonna miss you...so much." I said, sobbing. He then gave me a hadkerchief, colored with blue and yellow....his favorite color combination. i took his hankee and started to wiping my tears. Afterwards, I gave it back to him but he refused it.

"Naw...you can keep that..." he said. I then wimpered and Lloyd spoke again.

"So, wanna have a walk? I can treat you if you want."

"Sure!" I replied.

And that happened. After shopping, he escorted me back home, and our paths are now divided into two after I went in the door while Lloyd goes back to his home.


I then stood up as the man went closer and closer, until he is one foot away. It seems that he is scanning my appearance, despite of my strange clothing. I looked at him back, and it is a surprise. His promise. Lloyd is really here! Right in front of me.

"You have come, Lloyd." I said as I started to smile. But the athmosphere seems so strange. I looked at his eyes and it seems that he is wondering.

"Eh? what do you mean that I have come? I even don't know you." Lloyd said in a wondering tone. It seems that he already forgot me. After long years of parting....now my heart is crumbling into pieces. I then tried to talk to him again, in order him to remember.

"Last time, in here also, you promised me to guard and protect me...do you remember now?" I said, holding his two hands so that he can remember. Funnily, he blushed.

"Guard you?" he said. It seems that he is starting to remember.


Suddenly, a blinding light emerges right in the middle of us two, making me partially blinded. Then, the world starting shaking, and I starting to heard voices.


"Hey, wake up or we will gonna be late sister!"

"Hey elder sister, when she will wake up?"

"I don't know. First, she is starting to mutter while sleeping, and then i can't wake her up!"

"You must wake her up! Its almost time for school! Oh... I gotta go now! Daddy is waiting in his car!"

School...? That word just reminded me of something. Today is the first day of school! I then woke up, rubbing my eyes and I saw my sister sitting on the left side of my bed. She seems worried. She has wavy, platinum-colored hair and has olive-green irises.

"What's bothering you elder sister? Is something wrong? You looked a bit worried." I said at her.

"Its you, Vi. Your sister and I suddenly woke up because you are muttering." she said. "Are you having a nightmare or something?" she added.

"No. I'm not." I replied.

"Well, you gotta get up now coz we still have to go to school!" She said, pulling my right arm until i got up in my feet. Afterwards, she went down.

I rubbed my eyes again and then looked at the wall clock. It read 5:30. the sun is starting to rise rom the east, emitting a yellowish glow that makes the night sky go away. I opened the windows, revealing a wonderful view. I can see all the houses, mountains. All of them in the middle of sunrise. After some waking stretches, I went down to the first floor and into the dining area. In the table, I saw my sister who is now wearing her school uniform, eating her breakfast. Also, I saw my mom, also eating breakfast. She sipped some juice and strted to talk to me.

"You're so strange today Verthandi, dear. At this time, you must be eating your breakfast now." she stated.

"I just had a dream, mom. Sorry. I did'nt help you prepare meals." I said.

"That's okay dear. Besides your father went up so early so I decided to prepare breakfast."

"I see." I said as I went closer to the chair and started to eat breakfast.

After a few minutes, and a few talks from mom and my sister, my elder sister finished her meal. She brought her plate to the kitchen and then afterwards, she went to the bathroom. Still in her meals, my mother spoke.

"Vi, dear, you and Urudo will go to the school together, right?"

"Yes, mom. Why did you ask" I replied.

Eating her food, my mother said, "You see, this is your first day of class in another school. And I want you to promise me to be good, okay?" she said, smiling. I then nodded happily in reply as I continue finishing my meal.

After eating, I put my empty plate in the kitchen, I decided to wash the dishes so that Mom will have her work lighter. But as she saw me, she immidietly put her apron on.

"Vi dear, you go ahead and take a bath, its already six o'clock and your sister is already finished using the bathroom. I'll wash the dishes." she said. Understanding what she said, I put the plate down.

"Thanks mom!" I thanked her and went to the bathroom.

Inside the bathroom, the tiles are colored blue and white to make the room clean and hygenic. I immidietly took a bath in the shower to catch time. After fifteen minutes, I dried myself, and went upstairs. while going up to my room, I saw Urudo going down with her schoolclothes on.

"I'll go ahead. You can catch me up after you are finished. YOu still know the directions, right?" she said. I then noded in reply.

"Good. I'll meet ya in school. Remember, Its in room C-4...got it?" she said as she goes down the wooden steps.

"I will sis! I will meet you there!" I replied as i went to my room.

With my towel still wrapped around in my body, I opened my closet, revealing all my clothes. I grabbed my school clothes and then start changing. After a few minutes I'm ready to go, I grabbed my knapsack and opened the sliding door and went downstairs. In the first floor, I saw my mom sweeping the wooden floorings. I said goodbye to her and then went outside.

Outside the house, the roads were stretched through two directions, one in the left and one in the right.


Verthandi then started to walk in the right part of the street, where the school is located. Since this the first time going to that school. she decided to walk cruising manner, trying to memorize the directions. After a few steps, she saw a 4-way junction, one in the left, one in the right, one north of her, and the south part, where she is standing. To avoid getting lost she grabbed the folded paper in her pocket. She unfolded it, reveling her older sister's penmanship. In the paper, directions are located.

"In here...it says to go north from the house..." she said as she reads the locations. She turned her head to the northern part and then started walking. As she takes the path, the sunlight starts to shine on top of her, making her feel warm and energetic. She looks at the houses while walking, until she saw the wooden bridge. She then stopped for a minute, and then looked at her surroundings. She looked at her left and she saw the clear water, with fishes swimming happily. Also, she can see the spectacular view of the residential area and the marketplace.

"Wow...its so nice living here.", she thought. A gentle wind then hits her, making her hair sway. Afterwards, she started walking again.

After a few minutes, she finally made it in the main gate. The school is big, and it is divided into three sections. The outer walls are made of red bricks and the main gate is made of sturdy steel. The gate is widely opened, inviting students and visitors to come. She went in and amazed in the surroundings.

"This is just like the schools in Japan...", she commented as she looked around. in the center of the main campus lies a large monument, with benches on the side. Students from all sections can be found here. The floorings are paved with grey, outdoor tiles. To complete the wonderful view, there are cherry blossom and fire trees scattered around the campus. All the trees don't have leaves yet, but when time comes, the campus will be spectacular.

Since this is her first time going to this school, Verthandi started to ask directions to the students in the monument.

"Sorry, I'm a transferee too..." said one.

"Woah...this is my first time in here also, miss! Sorry!" said another.

"Oh, you are new in here? Go to the office over there and you'll see the helpdesk. Ask the person in there and he will gonna guide you." the other one said, pointing at the nearby building.

"Thank you. I really appreciate it." Verthandi replied and bowed in thanks. She then went inside the building. In the building is where the office and faculty room is located. Without wasting time, she went to the nearby helpdesk, just beside the office. She then started to ask at the appointed person..

"Excuse me sir, but I want to know where is room C-4 is. Can you tell me where is it?" she said formally. The man looked down into his paper where all the rooms in the school is listed. He turned it page by page until he looked back up to Verthandi.

"Room C-4 is in the first building, in the fourth floor." he said.

"Thank you sir.", she replied and then went back. On her way outside, she saw two men, one is kinda sporty and one is kinda familliar. It seems that they are talking to each other and they need to go to the helpdesk. She then tried to look the familiar man closely. Then her eyes widen.

"It can't be. He is here?" she wondered. "Why the man in my last dream is here? Deja vu? Coinsidence?", she wondered. She then peered to her watch and it read 6:50. Ten minutes before the start of classes. She then decided to just go out instead of guessing why is he here.

"Its just plain coinsidence, I think.", she finally stated. She then stared walking, and spoke to the man, who looks really familliar when she walked closely to him.

"Its your turn, mister. I'm sorry for keeping you waiting.", she said and then walked outside. Outside the building, she heard somebody shouting, from the office. She then giggled softly.

"Still...he's kinda funny." she thought. Afterwards, she went to the building at the right. After a few steps, she saw a stariway leading to the other parts of the building.

"Looks like this is the place. Its in the fourth floor." she stated and start walking in the stairs. Floor by floor, she went up. Sweat can now be seen on her head. Exhaustion is starting to attack. Finnaly, she made it in the fourth floor. Still catching her breaths, Verthandi started to find the room. She looked at each of the placards.

"E-4, E-5, E-6, F-1, F-2, F-3...this is strange. It looks like I'm far from C-4.", she wondered. She then walked to the end of the walkway and to her surprise, the placard is written G-6.

"Oh my...I'm lost...it says that it is in the first building. But where is room C-4?" she said as she wipes her sweat with her handkerchief. She tried to ask one of the people outside.

"Room C-4? Its in the first building." the man said.

"Then what is this building then?" she said in wonder.

"This is the second building. The first building is over there." he replied, pointing his hand on the building on the building on the left. He then continued but Verthandi thanked him and went downstairs.

"Poor girl. It seems that she is a transferee...She still dosen't know about the footbridges."

Without wasting time, Verthandi ran down to the ground floor, the then peered to her watch once again. This time, it read 7:00. Now she is already late. She ran towards to the first building and hurriedly went upstairs. On the fourth floor, she ran, looking at the placards once again. this time, she got it right.

"B-3, B-4, B-5, B-6, C-1, C-2, C-3...ah, here it is!" she said as she stopped running. In front of her is a steel, sliding door with the placard engraced C-4 on it. Before entering the room, she composed herself first. Wiping her sweat off, and resting for a while. Afterwards, she slid the door open, reveling a man in his mid 20's standing behind the table. The cold air from the aircon went out, with an aromatic smell of green apple. It made Verthandi feel relaxed. Suddenly, the man went closely at her, and spoke.

"Are you new in here?" The teacher said back, scratching the back of his black, stiff hair. Verthandi nodded in response.

"Yes sir. Is this room C-4?" she said back.

"Yep. And you are in good timing. We are about to start class. Are you a transferee?" he questioned. Verthandi nodded in reply.

"Yes sir."

"Then, its must be your lucky day today! Come on in then, and let us start the day right!" the teacher said hapilly, returning back to his position. As she stepped in the room, all of the students are staring at her. Verthandi just ignored it because this is just normal if you are new in school. Verthandi then starts finding her sister. She actually found her. She is located in the farthest row, along with a guy in her side. The guy is looking outside the window, seems like he's thinking of something. Verthandi just ignored it and went to her sister.

"You're almost late Vi-chan! Just look at the time!" Her sister Urudo spoke, tapping her pencil in her desk.

"Sorry sis...I was lost in here..." Verthandi replied and bowed for forgiveness. She then wondered why her sister is standing up, and started to carry her things.

"What are you doing Uru-chan?" she said. Her sister sat in the other chair, just beside her previous one.

"I just reserved this seat for you." Urudo replied. Verthandi looked at the guy who will gonna be her seatmate. Still, he is still looking at the window . His face cannot be seen yet. She just sat on it and put her things in the bag holder. Suddenly, her sister leaned at her and whispered. "Good luck in the guy over there...he can be a good match for you..."

"What?!" Verthandi reacted, her face became red, which her sister saw that. "Gotcha sis..." she whispered once more. Afterwards, she leaned herself in her chair.

"What is Uru-chan saying?" Verthandi wondered, and still blushing. She just grabbed her knapsack and grabbed her notebook. Unexpectfully, her left elbow hitted her seatmate in his left shoulder. She suddenly froze, much frozen when the guy's head turns at her. She looked at the guy and it seems that he is one at the helpdesk earlier. The guy who is in her dreams. The guy who looks familiar. And the guy who looks like her friend back in her previous home. Verthandi's temperature went down, her body shivered briefly as the aircon wasps at her.

"Uh...miss? Are you okay? You became pale all of a sudden..." The guy spoke, seemed wondering and kinda worried. She froze for a litle while and afterwards, she replied. "Um...yes-yes..I'm okay...I just felt cold because of the aircon..."

"You sure? You seem pale...You have a fever or something?" He replied, opening his bag. He grabbed a tablet and gave it to Verthandi. She refused to take it and made an alibi.

"No thanks...i feeling alright now...". She said. But the guy put the tablet in her hand, making her blush as she felt his warm hands.

"C'mon...take it, its better to have that, in case of an emergency, y'know?" He said, smiling. Verthandi has no other choice but to take it instead of forcing go give back, giving a sense of declination. She just put it in the pocket of her knapsack and thanked him.

"Thank you...um....what's your name?"

"Lloyd." The guy replied.

"Oh...thanks...Lloyd." Verthandi said. Hearing his name suddenly made Verthandi wonder. It seems like she heard of that name.

"His name is Lloyd??? Oh my...what if he is..." she thought. She then stopped wondering as she heard the teacher saying something.

"Okay class, I gave you enough time to familiarize each other, so bring out now your english book and open it to page 2." He said. All of the students obeyed him and grabbed their textbooks. They opened it to the specified page. The teacher assigned one student to read the passage and then the other, until all of them finished reading. After an hour, the teacher closed his book and spoke.

"Okay. Thats all for today. Since it is the first day of class, your next teacher will not be in here. You can have a break now." he said as he started to pack up his things and went out.


Its now past 9:00...time for a break. I peered outside the window and many students now flock at the cafteria. My two friends, Neth and Ry were also there, falling in line to buy some food together with the students from the other sections. I then looked around the classroom and noticed that there are few students now...the only ones in there are those two foreigner transferees, Verthandi and Urudo.

I saw them standing up from their seats then went out of the classroom. Now the only one in here is me. Still wondering about the dream last night, I tried to recall it.

"Come think of it, the girl who wears that strange clothing looks like Verthandi..." I thought. I recalled it once again and suddenly an exclamation mark pops out in my head.

"No. it does not look like Verthandi...It IS really Verthandi! But why? Deja vu?" Before answering all the questions, i just shook my head and decidd to forget about that.

"Nah...there are still other things to do. Better breathe some fresh air instead of sitting here like a person having loose bowel movement."

I stood up, and put my things in my bag. Afterwards, i went out the room to have some fresh air.

Outside, I walked in an open place where there is fresh air and nice view. I leaned myself on the saftey bars and looked at the surroundings. It is a sight. The sky is blue, without seeing traces of rainfall. Mountains can be clearly seen even it is far away. The roads and streets are busy, as pedestrians and drivers go to their workplaces.

Looking at the pleasant view, I felt a prescence of someone at my left side. I turned my head and saw Verthandi, leaning her front body at the bars, looking at the scenic view.

"It is such a wonderful sight, isn't it Lloyd?" she said, looking below the busy streets.

"Yeah...sure is. It is so good to be here after a grueling hour of discussion." I replied. "It makes me unwind a bit." I added.

The wind gently blows from the side, making Verthandi's hair sway. I stared at her briefly, then looked once again on the front, at the view.

"Awww...isn't she gorgeous? Kawaii..." I thought and smiled.

"Umm...Lloyd? Can i ask you a favor?" Verthandi spoke, looking at me with her blue, naive eyes.

"Woah...she is sure a cutie when you see her face in that angle." I thought, trying not to blush.

"Yeah, what is it?" I said.

"Can you tour me around the school? You see...I'm just new here, and um...you are the only one in here that i know and my sister who likes to go on her own..." she said, shrugging back and fourth and her face is starting to blush. I turned around and looked at my watch. It read 9:05 AM in digital format. I repositioned my glasses and for some unknown reason, my feelings went bouncing, like it is saying that I should tour her around the campus.

"Sure thing! Where do you want to start? We have so many time to walk around." I said, smiling.

I toured her downstairs to the ground floor to start the tour.

"What is that building over there?" Verthandi said, pointing her right index finger at the small dome as big as a warehouse.

"Thats the gymnasium. That is the place where school activities are held. There are some times that it is also used as a meeting hall.

"Is it open at this time? I want to go inside and take a look around."

"Yeah...let's go." I replied as I started to walk forward to the gymnasium.

As we went into the gymnasium's main door, I opened it and went in. In the gymnasium, there are two basketball courts, and it can also serve as an indoor volleyball court. The floorings are made from wood and is is always cleaned and polished. Since there are no upcomming school activities, the ball racks are scattered all over the court. I grabbed a ball and tried to make a shot. Actually, the ball went into the ring, ringless...

"Wow, are you good at playing basketball?" Verthandi said as she saw me doing the shot.

"Nah, its just a lucky shot. In fact, I'm not really good in this sport..." I replied. "C'mon, why don't you try it?" Verthandi nodded exitedly and grabbed a ball from the rack. She went into the free throw line and gave it a shot. Eventually, she went outbalanced as she jumped. I immedietly ran towards her and grabbed her before she hits the ground. After that, I became red all of a sudden. I didn't expect that my two hands are in her sides. I took it off and begged for an apology.

"Sorry-sorry! I didn't expect it'll happen like that." I said, scratching my head, expecting to have a slap by her. But something went strange. Instead of slapping, she thanked me.

"It's okay Lloyd. In fact, I must be the one who apologize." she said.

"Ermm...but, what about..."

"Oh, *that*? Its okay, really. You did that to save me from falling down, right?" she replied, smiling.

I thought she will gonna tell me that i'm a pervert..or something like that. To change the subject, I asked her if she wants to go to the caffeteria. She agreed and then told me to lead the way. I closed the gym door and went left to the caffeteria.

The cafeteria is where all the people in the school gather around. Students from different sections, including faculty members and office admins, were buying food in here. Some of the students gather in here to hang-out and chat. Verthandi and I fall in line, looking at the menu while waiting for our turn.

"Letsee whats on the menu...steak...munch..s...bundle meals...all for the price of..." My eyes enlarged as I saw the price. Believe or not, the price will not gonna hurt your wallet...compered to last year where all the foods are equivalent to a 16-karat gold. I still remember what my bestfriend Claude(he is now in another school) said last year...

--------------------..--------- >--------------------..---------
*A Year ago*

We usually order spaghetti at that time...since it is the cheapest food back then...compared to a bundle meal of meat and rice that costs about 50 bucks...After the cafeteria crew gave our order, we went to a table that is almost like a rune tablet because of valdal marks. Eating our meal, I saw Claude sniffing his spaghetti.

"Something wrong Claude? You were sniffing your food for two minutes flat." I said, wondering why he is sniffing his food like a police dog sniffing for traces of explosives.

"Their spaghetti smells *kinda* strange today Lloyd." he replied, still sniffing his meal.

"Kinda strange, huh? Hmmm..." What does he mean by *strange*? As in rotten? Or there is a missing ingredient? I then sniffed my meal to find it out...Well, there is nothing strange. I spun some spaghetti in in my fork ant tried to taste it.

"Maybe you are just thinking of things Claude...I just tasted it and it seems that nothing is wrong." I said. Claude is still sniffing at his meal...for a career high of 5 minutes...and it is still counting. After another minute, Claude then nabbed his fork and started to taste his meal.

"As expected..." he muttered.

"Expect what Claude?" I said.

"There are traces of ash in their spaghetti Lloyd. These ashes can cause cancer..." he replied. I looked at my plate and saw faint grey marks that looked like herbs.

"Hmmm....you're right bud. Maybe we should complain and give back our money. We don't want to spend 20 bucks on dirty food..." I said.

We gave back our order to them and complained that there are prescence of ashes. But instead of giving back our cash, they gave us nothing. Almost pissed off, we two just went out and went back to our class.

"Man...we spend money for nothing." Claude said dissapointedly.

"We have to make revenge on them." I said.

--------------------..--------- >--------------------..---------

"Um...sir...? Can i take your order?

"Lloyd, it's your turn now." Verthandi spoke, bringing me back once again in reality. I looked once again at the menu for one last time.

"Um...two Pocky sticks...chocolate-coated. And also add some two 8oz. of bottled iced tea." I said. The service crew written my order in a clean paper and then passed it to another service crew.

"Now this is new." I thought. "Compared to last year, the service in here is now more systematic than before." I added. After a few minutes, the crew bought my order in the counter.

"Two choco-coated Pocky sticks and two bottles of 8oz. iced tea for a discounted price of 80 bucks." the crew said with glee. I handed the cash and grabbed the food on the counter then went out in the caffeteria. Going out, I handed Verthandi a pack of Pocky stick and a bottle of iced tea.

"Here. For you." I said, handing it to her.

"Wow. Thank you so much Lloyd. I didn't expect that you will treat me like this even through we just meet each other today." she replied, smiling.

"SCORE!!!" the people at the canteen suddenly shouted.

"What the hell..." I thought. I looked at the canteen and saw Neth in the middle of the crowd.

"WOOHOO!!! LLOYD JUST MADE A SCORE!!!" Neth continued shouting.

"Oh dammit. I can't shout back! I still have a big rep(reputation)to gain for Verthandi..." I thought. Instead, I just turned back and went out, planning something for payback.

We two continued walking until we reached the central campus where there are benches to sit and rest. We sat on them and started to eat our snacks. The athmosphere around us is like we're in a picnic groove or in a park...trees scattered around the compound(still has no leaves but it is still a sight), blue sky, dried fallen leaves scattered in the gray, tiled pavement...it is so relaxing. Chewing a pretzel stick, I peered at my watch to see what time is it. It read 9:30AM in digital format. Thirty minutes have elapsed since I started to tour Verthandi around the campus.

"Wow...thirty minutes already passed. Since this is just the start of school, we still have half an hour to loaf around. Now where should I tour her next...?" I thought, thinking on where to go next. Planning for that, I chewed another pretzel stick. Suddenly, i heard Verthandi spoke.

"Um...Lloyd?" she said, also chewing a pretzel stick.

"Yeah, what is it?"

"Um...thanks." she said. Come think of it, for the first time in my whole damn life, a girl like her thanked me.

"Nah...its nothing. Besides, I like to help people who are in need." I replied. Sipping some iced tea from my bottle, I said...

"So...where do you want to go next? We still have many time left."

"Its okay now Lloyd. We can just sit here and rest a bit. Thanks for touring me around." she said, smiling.

You know? I just noticed that it feels great when you help people...especially the likes of her. I'm not sure but...I am thankful to met a person like her. After finishing our snacks, Verthandi stood up from the bench. She faced at me, and her hands behind her back. She bowed slightly and said something.

"Um..LLoyd? Can I ask you something again?" She said. This time, the tone of her voice is not nervous anymore. Instead, her voice now is full of confidence and happiness.

"Sure. What is it then?" I said back. Verthandi showed her right hand in front of me. I looked ather hand, wondering what she is doing.

"I just want to ask you if you want to be my friend. It seems we can get together easily." She said, smiling.

"Who wants to decline on a gal like her?" I thought. I stood up and shaked her hand with my left one.

"Sure thing. I accept!" I said happily.

Verthandi thanked me once again. Suddenly, the school bell rang, signalling the students to return to their respective classrooms so that classes will resume immidietly. We two went up afterwards.

In the classroom, classes resumed once again. This time, classes will go straight until noon for lunchbreak, then resume again until the hour of three in the afternoon. With my book resting in my desk, I read some of the articles, concentrating on the subject. To relax myself a bit, I sometimes peer outside the sliding window, looking at the view to loose some stress then afterwards reading back again at the book.

"I hope this will go until the end of classes." I thought as I read, putting my ballpen in the top of my ear.

©2005 asgard_lloyd@yahoo.com
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