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Fri, 14 Mar 2025 21:28
Belldandy Gift

Wishing To Be Like You (A short story)

By Kitori
Wishing To Be Like You

The grass crunched under her sullied feet from walking bare foot through the backyard. She squeezed her toes feeling the warm mud against her skin and the cool air press against her body. Not a bird was in site, yet she could hear the soft singing of nature whispering through the breezes. Brushing her hair back lightly she clasped her hands together offering a small prayer.

“Kami-Sama bless this sacred tree and heal it with your powers.” she pressed her hands against the tree attempting a healing spell. Her hands glowed for a moment but her powers died out quietly. The young goddess looked up into the air confused and tried again.

“Please kami-sama bless me with the gift to heal this sacred tree.” Once again she repeated the motion and concentrated her essence into the tree. Slowly the bark strengthened and the tiny buds of leaves bloomed across it’s branched. The young goddess hummed a gentle song to the tree wishing it good health. Slowly she withdrew and turned to the house hold. Carrying the laundry basket onto the wood porch she sat quietly listening the soft creaks of the old wood as she shifted her weight to fold the cloths. Finding it surprisingly difficult at times to fold shirts and press them neatly on her lap. The young goddess tugged on her own shirt closing her eyes, drawing in a calming breath. She smiled happily once more and finished the chore.

Gently disturbing the clothing to their designated rooms, she peaked into one particular room. It was simple and plain, but full of life and energy. This room belonged to one of the people she cherished most to her heart. Quietly stepping into the room she picked up a frame of Belldandy and Keiichi smiling softly.

“I want to be like you….older sister.” Skuld laid down the photograph, sliding the door shut and humming a soft song down the hallway towards her room.

This was a short fic I did just for fun to see if I could fool any readers in believing it was Belldandy until the end where we see it is Skuld. I thought it was cute and disserved a little attention.
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