About the author - By kitoriSurprisingly it is difficult to obtain solid information about the creator Kosuke Fujishima. So after much research and translating I proudly present Kosuke Fujishima biography!
Kosuke Fujishima was born on July 7, 1964 in Chiba, Japan. After graduation, he began looking for a job as a draftsman but failed to get a draftsman apprenticeship. He began working as an editor for Puff Magazine (anime/manga).
One afternoon he interviewed with a manga artist named Tatsuya Egawa. When the interview was over Fujishima asked Egawa if he needed an assistant. After Egawa looked over Fujishima’s work, he was pleased with his work and hired him to help him with the manga ‘Be Free!’ a manga appearing in the Kodansha. In 1986 'Be Fee!' was made into a movie and Fujishima did a report using policewomen about it. Fujishima received so much fan mail on his policewomen drawings he was inspired to create the manga ‘You're Under Arrest!.’
In 1988 Fujishima did a five-panel gag of the characters in ‘Your Under Arrest!’ praying to a goddess (see above comic). He was so pleased with how the goddess turned out that she became the basis for Belldandy. The Norse mythology is what really inspired the entire series of Oh! My Goddess. Oh! My Goddess was first published in the monthly magazine called ‘Afternoon.’
Kosuke Fujishima enjoys playing on his electric guitar, he likes to play with garage build-it kits and plastic models. He likes internationally acclaimed stars such as Bon Jovi and Van Helen. He loves listening to new Japanese idol singers one of which is Moritaka Chisato, where the name ‘Morisato’ was inspired (remove the ‘taka’ and ‘ch’ and merge the remainder of the name and you have Morisato!).
Other works involving Kosuke Fujishima:
Your Under Arrest: author/illustrator created in 1986-1992.
Sakura Wars: Designer for characters and game
EX-Driver: character designer and settings. Done in 2000.
Tales of Phantasia: character designer for the video game.
Seiyuu (Voice actors) - Source: http://www.seiyuu.infoBelldandy - Kikuko Inoue
Keiichi - Masami Kikuchi
Urd - Yumi Touma
Skuld - Aya Hisakawa
Sora Hasegawa - Ikue Ohtani
Morgan Le Fay - Ayako Kawasumi
Celestine - Hiroshi Yanaka
Chihiro Fujimi - Yuka Imai
Chrono - Yui horie
Doublet System - by kitoriThe doubet system is used so that a God/dess can not kill a demon and a demon can not kill a God/dess. How it works is a goddess/god and a demon are placed in a chamber where they link their life force together. That way if one dies, so does the other. This ensured that during battle no one on the opposing side would be tempted to kill the other.
This system is introduced to us when we meet Velsper (Welsper). After a god and demon link their life force their memories are erased so they do not know their doublet. However, Velsper refuses to forget Belldandy so he goes through a lot of trouble to be with her by setting a strong destructive virus in heaven that would freeze time so that he could always preserve Belldandy. He felt that no world should be without her, so this was the best way because she had brought him so much happiness when they linked together.
The doublet system is quite cruel. As far as we know, the goddesses can be killed and therefore, are most likely not immortal. Therefore if one was to die untimely for any given reason, that means another must lose their life as well for nothing. However, if it was not for the doublet system there would be huge problems in the world where demons try to enslave throwing the balance of life.
As a side note, we do not know the doublets of any of the goddesses other than Belldandy’s.
Yggdrasil - by kitoriYggdrasil is heaven's core. It is a tool Kami-sama (god) uses to bring order to Earth. From what we gather by watching the series, we understand that there are departments that deal with different sectors in Kami-sama’s ruling. For example, Urd is the system admin in the debugging department (as the manga/series suggests). It is here that Urd and Skuld along with the help of 3 other goddesses, debug the system literally of those weird 6-legged creatures we see. They use various machines and tools such as extendable hammers and special goggles that can see what is not visible to the eye.
The markings on the goddesses' foreheads are there due to Yggdrasil. The markings on their foreheads and cheeks classify their category, domain, classes, and powers. Goddesses maintain a constant link to Yggdrasil with these markings. Therefore if something were to happen to the goddesses or Yggdrasil it would affect the system. For example, in the movie when Belldandy was infected by a virus from Celestine, this affected Yggdrasil infecting its system badly.
As a side not on the facial symbols, the demons work differently. They are not linked to a central system, their symbols merely classify their rank (as far as we know so far).
Lastly, Heaven has Goddess Offices which are used to bring a little more happiness into the world. Those who meet the proper qualifications will be able to contact the goddess helpline and be granted a wish. Thus, this is how Keiichi met Belldandy for she had been working at a Goddess office when Keiichi made that phone call and she came to visit him.
As a side note, we are introduced to the ‘Law of Conservation.’ This law claims that when one person is happy another is made equally sad because there is only a limited amount of happiness in the world. Apparently, Belldandy overrides this law by adding a little extra happiness to the world so no one is made sad when she brings happiness to Keiichi’s life.
As far as we know, Yggdrasil is a massive heavenly system that is responsible for the odd mysteries that occur on Earth because it still has a few bugs in it. Kosuke Fujishima was inspired to create this system based on the steps it takes to get a driver's license in Japan. Thus we have the Goddess License! It is a smart out look on the way heaven could work, rather run on merely spirituality it depends on machinery.
21-Feb, 31 view(s)